Chapter Five

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"Get up now. It's nine thirty." Curtains are pulled open and the room is flooded with light. "Now Blake, get up."
"Katy, have you ever thought that I spent the whole night partying? Therefore I need sleep. In addition, it is Saturday, the worldwide day of sleeping late and not getting out of bed," I explain to Katy, still laying in bed.
"It is your birthday, you have to get out of bed and quote 'spend time with family' unqoute. This quote is brought to you by your mother, now get up," she says pulling the sheets off me.
"Well, someone poured some extra sassy sugar on her cereal this morning," I mumble getting off the bed and walking into the bathroom.
"I heard that," Katy yells to me. "And for your information, I had a Poptart for breakfast. Not cereal."
I walk out of the bathroom rubbing my face dry. "Breakfast of champions."
"Don't you ever doubt it," Katy says smiling. "Now hurry up and get ready."
"What exactly do I have to do today anyway?"
"A party on your terms," Katy says smiling.
"Your friends and I may or may not have planed a surprise birthday party for you and Andrew. None of the frilly royal stuff. Pizza, soda, chocolate cake. With it being summer in Australia and all, it may or may not be a pool party," Katy shrugs smirking.
"Chester came up with the idea didn't he?" I ask, smiling.
"Maybe, maybe not. Now get ready, if you want to get there in time. It's a long flight and the party starts at noon," Katy says walking out of the room.
I walk into my closet and pull out a t-shirt and shorts. Pull out some flip-flops and dig through the closet to try and find a bathing suit. I finally find one and put it into my duffel bag along with my towel, sunglasses, and sunblock.
Drew pops his head through my bed room door. "Blake, lets go," he whines.
"I'm coming," I close my bag and grab my phone and a book. "Let's go."

Two hours, and four playlists later, we land land in front of the Australian palace. Two guards greet us at the front entrance and lead us to the backyard of the palace. There are a bunch of kids roaming around the pool, there are girls tanning, and boys playing soccer. There is a table filled with snacks and drinks. Music is playing in the background. It's the perfect party.
"Well look who finally showed up," Chester says walking up to Drew and I. "Let me guess. You wouldn't get up," pointing at me.
"Guilty," I smile sheepishy.
"I told you that we should have told them about it," Pen scolds Chester. "If she knew then she would have woken up earlier."
"Penelope, relax. They are here now. Welcome to my humble home, stay while, party a while," Chester says handing Drew and I drinks.
"Don't mind if I do," Drew says. He hands me his cup and takes his shirt and shoes off, then jumps into the pool.
"Drew's got the right idea," Pen says, taking off her cover up. "Let's party. Turn up the music." She then jumps into the pool.
Someone goes over to the stereo and turns up the music and everyone starts to go into the pool. I walk over to a lawn chair and put my bag down by it and put my shorts and shirt in it. I lay down onto the chair and pull out my book. It's not like I'm antisocial or anything, I love to party. I just love reading, sue me.
A shadow passes over me,. "Um, hello? Trying to tan and educate myself here," I say looking up.
"Why are you reading at your birthday party? Is that what all Americans do? I don't see your brother with his nose in a book."
"For your information, Noah. I enjoy reading. I just want to relax, that's what this party is all about. No frills, no going to make the rounds. I can do what I want," I explain. I return to reading my book.
"I don't think so. I'll take this," he takes the book out of my hand and puts it into my bag. "Come on," he holds out his hand for me to take.
"Give me my book back," I whine.
"Come with me, have some fun. Then you can get your book back," Noah says smirking.
"Fine," I get up. "Now what?"
"Follow me," he walks over to the side of the pool.
"Now what? Am I supposed to watch the lives of real people, then read about fake people?" I ask crossing my arms.
"No you're supposed to do this," he smiles. He picks me up bride style and throws me into the pool.
I swim my way back up to the surface of the pool and look for Noah. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" I scream at him.
The laughter and partying stops around me. Noah smiles and shrugs. "Just enjoy it."
"He's a dead man," I hear someone say.
"She is going to kill him," another person says.
"Remember the last time she got thrown into a pool?" I can hear everyone whispering around me.
Chester and Drew run up to the edge of the pool where Noah is standing. "Blake, you okay?" Drew asks.
"I'm perfectly fine," I say. I swim back over to the edge. "The least you could do is help me get out," I say holding my hand out for Noah to take.
"Fine, I guess I could help you some more," he sighs. He grabs hold of my hand and starts to pull me out. But I pull back and he lands in the pool with a splash.
He comes up sputtering. "Now we're even," I say to him, smiling.
"Well, that was unexpected. I thought you were just a quiet princess that was good at football," Noah smiles.
I heave myself over the edge and sit down looking down at him in the water. "Haven't you heard from my brother, or through the grapevine? I'm a bitch. I don't get mad, I get even." With that I walk back over to my chair and pull a towel from my bag. I dry myself off and then pull out my book, and settle back into my reading.

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