Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

The bell rang signaling the end of third period, and signaling the start of the football game against Noah West and I. I walk down the hall to the girls locker room to change, there is no way that I could win in the kind of jeans that I was wearing.
After I finished changing I walked out the back way to the field in the back of the school. There was already a crowd gathered and teams were made, Noah and I were captains.
"Ready for this America?" Noah asked as I stepped into the coin toss circle.
"Your memory must be fading, Noah. Football is an American sport, you're going down Denmark." I smirk.
"Tails," he says to the ref, who happens to be a senior on the football team.
The ref flips the coin and calls out, "Heads. Team America, do you want to kick or receive first?"
I smile smugly at Noah, the first little victory. "Receive."
"Very well, Team America will receive first. Good luck, Blake." The ref says winking at me.
"Thanks," I say walking over to my sidelines.
"Lady Blake, welcome to our team. Today, it is known as team America. My name is Adam Prince of Britain, the captain of this team. Welcome to the competition, here's the clipboard with the plays and a baseball cap and the microphone set to talk to us." He puts the cap on my head and hands me the clipboard and headset.
"What would I need this for?" I ask him.
"Aren't you the coach today? It's your team after all."
"No way, I'm playing," I smirk.
"Are you sure about that? Do you even know how to play? Please excuse my lack of manners."
"Yes I know how to play," I say getting annoyed with Adam. With that the ref blows the whistle signaling the game to begin in one minute. "Here, you'll need this." I say handing the clipboard and headset to Adam and walking onto the field.
"Wh-what I'm I supposed to do with these?" Adam yells out to me.
"To coach obviously," I yell back rolling my eyes. "What position do you play?"
"Um, quarterback," he yells.
"Of course you do," I mumble to myself. I walk up to the huddle, "Today I'm Adam," I announce to the team.
"Yes me," the whistle blows, "Now let's go!" We line up and I can see Noah on the other sideline with a smug smile on his face. I could hear Pen ordering the crowd the at gathered to cheer for team America. I was ready to do this. "One. Two. Three. Set, hut," I yell.

"Good Morning, Students of St. Branberry. Today is Thursday the 15th. For lunch today is Chicken Marsala with a Spinach and Strawberry Salad. If you don't like that then bring your own lunch. Principal James will like me to remind you all homework and projects must be completed on your own, butlers, assistants, maids and any other staff member in your palace my not do or assist you. Teachers can tell when you have others do your work for you. All soccer players will have an away game in Argentina against the Mills School for Fairies and will depart at three thirty. Soccer players must be dismissed from class at three. Field Hockey, football, and track will have practice after school today. In other sports news, Team America, lead by freshman Princess Blake Frost, defeated Team Denmark, lead by sophomore Prince Noah West. This is the first loss that West has suffered this year. The final score was thirty-five to fourteen. Everyone was surprised at the Princess, who took the position of quarterback from junior Prince Adam Jewels of Britain. She displayed quick feet and a strong throw. She was followed plays well and show smart strategies. Congratulations Princess! The Debate and Math teams will stay after school for practice today. There is band practice after lunch today. Have a wonderful day everyone!" The announcements ended and the bell rang signaling the end of homeroom. The students filed into the hallways trying to get to their classes.
I walked through the halls receiving smiles and glares. People shouted congrats and warnings. It was weird to be treated this way, no one really ever paid attention to me through the halls. I only had a few friends, and they were the only one's that I really talked to. Now there were upperclassmen that were talking to me and either smiling or scowling at me. Like I said weird.
I walked into science and went to the back of the room next to Chester, who was my lab partner. He didn't say anything when I sat down. "Hey," I said to him trying to break the chill that was over our table.
"Hi." He said.
"That's all I'm going to get? One syllable? Just 'hi'" I asked.
"Yup," he said looking down at the table.
"Ches, what's wrong?"
"It seems like something," I said.
"Well it's not!" He said angrily. I didn't have a chance to say anything else because at that moment the teacher walked in and class begun.
As I sat through class I could only help but wonder what could be wrong with Chester. He had seemed distant for a while and I could not put my finger on what was bothering him. It didn't help that he hasn't told me anything. Chester is from the royal family of Australia, he was the youngest of three and was lucky because he did not have to worry about someday taking over the throne. He is always tan, and his brown hair has blonde streaks from always being out in the sun.
I glance over at him and try understand what could be bugging him. In the ten years that I have known Chester he has never been this distant. He and I have a close bond and we always tell each other everything. We meet the first day of Kindergarten and have been friends ever since he offer me his toy dumptruck to play with in the sandbox.
The bell rings and Chester darts out of his seat and out into the hall. I gather my things and race out to find him. I spot his head bobbing up and down as he briskly walks to his next class. I run after him yelling his name and ignoring the looks that people are giving me. I'm about to catch up to him when I feel a hand grab my arm and pull me into a dark room.
"America, thank you for agreeing to meet me here. I know it is short notice but it is so great that you could join me," a voice says. The person holding my arm plops me into a chair, a not very comfortable one at that.
The lights turn back on to reveal a classroom. I'm sitting in a chair in front of the teachers desk, the room is unfamiliar. There is a big black chair turned to show it's back. I can see the top of someone's head. There are soccer players on either side of me and there are two by the door. I get the feeling that this is an important meeting that I never got an invitation to.
"I will not keep you long," the person in the chair says. "Your Art teacher has been notified that you are going to miss some of her class. This will be short." The chair turns around revealing the person in the chair.

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