Chapter Four

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"Woah, there!" The person I so rudely rammed into says.
"I'm so sorry about that!" I look up at the persons face. "Denmark?"
"America?" the person says.
"What are you doing here?" I ask, pulling away from him.
"I was invited," he says in a 'duh' voice.
"Sorry, I don't think I invited any egotistical Denmarkians to my party," I say crossing my arms.
"First of all, I am not egotistical. Second of all, I'm not a Denmarkian. Stupid American, the correct word is Danish or Dane," Noah says making a piont.
"Does it really look like I care?" I ask.
"No not really," he says srugging.
"It was a rhetorical question. You know, not meant to be answered. Now who's the stupid American? Huh?" I ask challenging him.
"Still you, I'm not from American. Therefore, I cannot be a 'stupid American' as you say."
"I see your point," I say, mumbling to myself.
"Of course you do," he sighs. "Well, I guess a happy birthday is in order, right?"
"Um, yeah. I guess," I stutter.
"Well, then, Happy Birthday," he says smiling.
"Thanks, you have a nice smile by the way," I say.
"Well, I don't think I have every really seen you smile before. It's nice, you should use it more," I suggest.
"Maybe I do. Maybe it's only with the people that I can stand," he says rudely.
"Oh, okay then. Way to kill that moment then," I start to walk over to Jeremy. I pause and turn back around to Noah. "Enjoy the party," I smile, wave a small wave and walk away.

"Blake Frost of America! Happy Birthday! How's it hanging?"
"Hey Jeremy, hanging just fine at the moment, and you?"
"Brilliant! Hanging Brilliantly! How is the Birthday Girl?"
"She's doing great. And how's the Invited Guest?"
"The Invited Guest is wishing that there were less adults here. Five minutes in and my flask was swiped from me, and I got a stern lecture on how underage drinking can cause problems later in life," Jeremy says frowning.
"I'm sorry to here about that."
"Not your fault, Birthday Girl. Have you opened any of your presents yet? That's the whole point of going along with these parties, right? The amazing gifts?" He says gazing at the giant table filled with wrapped boxes.
"True true. But alas no. No gifts have been opened yet," I explain.
"Sad to here that. I could give you one if you wanted one now. But it comes with a price," he says wiggling his eyebrows.
"What would I have to do in order to play the debt?" I ask, interested.
"Dance with me," he says quickly. "Just one song, if you want to."
"I would love to!" I say a bit to eagerly.
"Really?" Jeremy asks, like I was going to say no.
"Yeah, let's go," I hold my hand out and pull him onto the dance floor.
The music changes from an upbeat pop song to a slow pop ballad, great. I have always wanted to dance to a slow song with Jeremy Watts. But right here in this moment , I am terrified. The first few notes of the piano play and Jeremy and I stand closer together. Adults on the dance floor look with adoring eyes, like 'aw how sweet'. Girls that have have crushes on Jeremy look on in anger, boys look at Jeremy like he is a god. I can see Pen and Chester looking at me, Pen is smiling, Chester is frowning.
"Tell my love to wreck it all. Cut out all the ropes and let me fall." The music sings.
Jeremy and I slowly move back and forth to the beat of the song. He spins me around and I can hear my dress move along with me.
"And I told you to be patient. And I told you to be kind," the music continues.
We continue to move slowly, in time with the music.
"Who will love you? Who will fight? And who will fall far behind?" the music swells then drops down.
At the drop down I look up at Jeremy and study his face. As the piano plays he looks to be struggling with something.
"Come on skinny love," the music reaches a crescendo.
And Jeremy kisses me.
The kiss lasts for the rest of the song, and as the piano dies down we stand a bit father apart and look at eachother.
"Happy Birthday, Birthday Girl," Jeremy whispers with a crooked smile.
"Thank you, Invited Guest," I smile.
"Did you like your present?" He asks causiously.
"Um, I don't think so. Maybe I could return it? Get a new one?" I ask, jokingly.
He laughs, "That can be arranged."
We spend the rest of the time until dinner dancing. After dinner when everyone has returned to the ballroom, we are the first ones on the dance floor. I learn very much about the mysterious Jeremy Watts. For one, he is a terrible dancer. Swaying back and forth he is good at, but dancing to songs that are upbeat and fast paced, not so much.
When the clock strikes midnight it officially becomes my birthday. I wander through the crowd up to the stage at the front of the ballroom. My parents and Drew are already standing up there with flutes of champagne. A waitress hands me a flute and I go stand next to Drew, gazing through the crowd.
"I want to thank everyone who could join my family and I for the celebration of the birth of Blake and Andrew. It has been a tradition, for many years now, that we hold a party the day before their birthday," my father explains. "We hold the party to past midnight. When the clock strikes midnight we have a toast to the children. So, Blake, Andrew. Happy Birthday my children, your mother and I, and all of the people in this room, love you and wish you a better birthday than the last. To Blake and Andrew!" My father raises his glass.
"To Blake and Andrew!" The crowd chorus's.

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