Legendary Duelists

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(3rd Person PoV)

Judai was staring at the sunset while sitting on the grass.

It's been a long day. A really long day.

He looked back at the Academy and faintly smiled.

He had great memories there and made many friends. Albeit that came with a cost to which Judai frowned at.

The 17 year old sighed to himself.

It might have only been around three years since he came to Duel Academy but they felt long and fulfilling.

"What's with the sentimental feeling, Judai?" A voice asked and Judai turned his head to see a feminine, humanistic person who looked faded.

"I dunno, Yubel. I just feel very nostalgic right now," Judai explained.

He tilted his head. "Are you sure that's it?" She asked.

"Yeah...ok maybe someone had to do with it," Judai awkwardly laughed.

"Let me guess. Asuka right?" Yubel asked.

"Maybe," Judai replied.

"Well with her help alongside that girl named Rei, she was able to help you cope especially with what you have been through," Yubel explained.

"True...," Judai muttered.

He then heard someone call his name. It was Asuka herself.

Judai got up and walked over to her.

"Yo, what's up?" He asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to duel. Just something for fun," Asuka replied.

"A duel? Sure but where? Right here?" Judai asked.

"We can use the Oblisk Blue arena if you like," Asuka shrugged.

"Alright," Judai nodded.

As they were walking back to the arena, an explosion can be heard and they gave each other looks of concern.

"What was that?" Judai asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it was an accident somewhere but I don't think so...," Asuka trailed off.

"We need to help whoever could be hurt," Judai said.

And carefully, he thought. He didn't want to run risks that could make the situation worse.

Asuka nodded and they both ran in.

Some people were stuck in some rubble and Judai picked aside some of the rubble while Asuka carefully pulled out the people.

"Judai, Asuka!" Two people ran up to them.

"Sho! Kenzan!" Judai exclaimed.

"We heard what happened. Anyone hurt?" Kenzan asked.

"Some just have some scratches and cuts but so far, nothing too serious," Asuka explained.

"What do you think happen?" Sho asked.

"We don't know. We just heard an explosion and ran over here to help anyone who could be hurt," Judai replied.

The four of them stayed quiet for a moment. Mainly to listen to see if anyone else was stuck in the rubble but also to think of what could have happened.

"Uhh guys, do you see that?" Sho suddenly pointed.

"Huh? See wh-whoa!" Judai cried.

A bunch of Duel Monsters were roaming the place, throwing up rubble with their snouts, hands or whatever else they could hold onto.

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