Deku... 100%

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My Hero Academia x Mob Psycho 100

Izuku Midoriya... otherwise known as Deku. He's the older twin to the Midoriya household with his sister Izumi Midoriya. Better then him in grades, physical prowess, everything! In Izuku's eyes at least. Izumi is envious (scared) of Izuku's powers and only she knows what he is capable of.

After accidentally using it for the first time and hurting his family... he never used it again. He'd rather be quirkless then have this dangerous power. Izumi's quirk was like his but a lot more toned down. After hearing he's 'quirkless', Bakugou asks Izumi to bully him with him as to scare him out of being a hero... of course this has consequences.

Ten years later, he sees a sludge villain about to harm an innocent cat. He is a villain... and he's helping a cat...


The sludge was now all around the walls. He wasn't dead but incapacitated.

All Might: "I AM HE- oh... did you do this my boy?"

Izuku: "Yeh. This cat was about to get hurt. Did I do something bad? Sorry."

He said stoically with a soft bow... however All Might saw potential... true hero potential... he just needed nurturing.

All Might: "Not at all! In fact what you did helped me a lot and was quite heroic! Listen... I have a question.


Do you wish to inherit my quirk?"

Izuku: "No."

All Might: "I knew you'd sa- WHAT?! I respect your decision, but are you sure?"

Izuku: "Yeh... even if it is possible, it would only make my quirk more unstable and harder to control. I can barely use it without hurting someone... I don't like using my powers against others. I don't want to hurt them."

All Might wondered... was he holding himself back because of some trauma... he was true hero potential!! He just needed nurturing... perhaps he was never truly enabled...

All Might: "All right... I'll help you train your quirk and then we'll get you into UA!"

As if god had given him a gift, his eyes shined... not with much emotion... but the most so far.

Izuku: "Really?! Maybe if it's you... you wont get hurt...! But would it not take away from your hero work?"

All Might: "I appreciate your concern my boy, however there are near one hundred heroes in this city! They'll be fine for a few months! Now... the beach that's been littered for years, let's meet there at the crack of dawn."

Izuku: "Right!"

And thus... Izuku's journey with All Might would begin.

Author notes about this story!

This is an OP Deku story. Not to the point where he flicks and All Might explodes, but at max power he is the strongest in the series from the first chapter.

Like Mob Psycho, a lot of this story wont be too conflict heavy and instead deal with emotional battles. Izuku vs Shoto would be fun due to their similarities on their quirks. As would Izuku vs Shinso.

Izuku can be hurt in this like Mob can in the show, he's not invincible. But only people around start of series Endeavor + level would likely hurt him.

Inko isn't a bad mother in this! She's the same as canon and respects Izuku's choice to remain quirkless. She knows what happened and doesn't judge him.

All Might is not Izuku's dad nor is an asshole. He's likely gonna take half of Reigen's role. Unsure who the rest will go to.

It will slowly divert from the canon over time.

Lemme know if yall like the idea or this or not!

If I made this series into an actual book, would yall want it in the Mob Psycho style of story telling or the MHA style?

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