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Love was a word overused by many,no one really appreciated the meaning of love, let alone the power it had.

But loved her, that was something he knew, something he guaranteed. 

He stood watched as she sat on the sofa, her knees to her bump, her hand resting on it as always, the other hand fiddling with Sky's silky long fur. She was lost in conversation with Carolyn. They would occasionally laugh but both had a smile constantly.

Derek hadn't seen him mother so happy before, he could see the bond they were building already. He could already see the love between them, the trust.

Carolyn couldn't stop pressing her hand to Meredith's tummy.

Most mothers say they feel more connected to their daughters and their children and feel more included in their daughters pregnancies. However for Carolyn this was untrue. The second she touched Meredith's belly and felt the kick she felt that connection one she hadn't had before. She loved her daughters and her other grandchildren but this felt different. Meredith felt different.

She was different to her daughters, she wanted conversation , she wanted to know about Carolyn's hobbies and stories. She wanted to hear parenting tips and she wanted Carolyn to feel the baby kick. 

"Its amazing son. Your mother looks so content"Fred commented standing beside Derek.

"I know pa. She never got this with the girls. Even Amy now, she is more loving but so distant still. She is a good neurosurgeoun but i have to question where she is all of the time"Derek shook his head.

"Your sisters just aren't like your mother. She is loving but they..they are cold. I love them but you know what they are like. Meredith..she seems warm."Fred looked to them both then back to Derek.

"She is so warm, i get cold and she warms me up with a cuddle"Derek was lost in though. Everyone was bought from their worlds when Fred laughed loudly.

"Wrong context"He squeezed out. Derek's face flushed red as they joined the girls on the sofa.

"Hey"Meredith greeted him as he sat beside her, his stomach flipped like a school boy's as she placed her head on his shoulder and hand on his chest.

"You okay"He asked into her hair.

"Noo"She pouted. Derek chuckled and placed a soft kiss to her already extended lips. He had forgotten his parents were in the room. 

"Better?"He asked, his voice deep and raspy. Meredith's cheeks were the ones the flush this time as she nodded. 

"This is just the best trip ever"Carolyn beamed. Derek chuckled as the door knocked.

"I'll get it"Meredith yawned.

"I'll be quicker"Derek went to stand but she pulled him back. 

"I need exercise"She managed to get up, her walk more of a waddle. She made it to the door, opening it she was met with Mark and Lexie. "Come in"She smiled.

"Hey, hey little princess"Lexie greeted her sister and her sisters stomach. Mark and Lexie removed their shoes and coats before joining the others on the sofa.

"Did i invite you"Derek asked Mark which made Meredith laugh. 

"No but your gorgeous girl did"Mark teased. Derek rolled his eyes.

"Oi. I will kill you"Meredith pointed at him. 

"Just teasing him Grey."Mark laughed as Lexie swatted his arm. "But you are beautiful just like your mother and this one here"He pulled Lexie closer and kissed her head. 

"Mhmmhm."Meredith cuddled into Derek as Carolyn took a sneaky picture.

"Mer, I had an argument with Natalie"Lexie admitted shuffling her feet. Meredith sat up, which ended in her panting.

"You are so giving birth soon Grey. You look like you are 30 months pregnant"Mark commented.

"You are such a dick you know that. When I am not pregnant anymore i will kill you because if i try kill you now i will kill me. Anyway Lex..why?"Meredith asked and Lexie sighed.

"So I forgot my bag so i went back. I found her talking about you..really badly to Karen. So i listened and then she was saying that she is going to seduce Derek and take him from you and that she will make him love her. It pissed me off. So i screamed at her and we had a fight. She said some things about dad. So i got even more angry. I got so angry that i packed all of your stuff and said stuff it and that you are leaving" Lexie looked anxious, everyone was waiting. Lexie expected Meredith to be angry but she wasn't. She shuffled to Lexie and pulled her closer.

"Thank you for defending me when I couldn't defend myself. As for Nat I know... Rachel called me and told me everything that was said. She didn't mention you and that part though. As for that job...I have had a different job offer anyway. I have had it for months. Josh wouldn't let me take the offer because he didn't want me around you and mum.  But once she is born I have a new job. It is the studio next to the hospital. Rachel is moving there too. I'll be working as a family photographer and I can see you on my breaks"Meredith explained. "I wasn't going to take it...but then i heard some more things about Nat from Rachel. She was the one who told Josh when i went to your party and she was the one who he slept with when i was recovering from surgery. "Meredith looked at her hand then to Derek. "I also have more reasons too now. I need a fresh start."

"You aren't mad that I went through your office drawers"Lexie gulped. Meredith shook her head.

"No Lex, why would I be mad with you" Meredith frowned.

"I saw the picture....of you and Derek" Meredith had no clue what she was talking about. Not one clue. 

"Do you have it"Meredith asked. Lexie nodded.

"I am slightly scarred Mer. Why in the desk drawer"Lexie asked.

"I had no clue it was there, i must have printed it and left it there"She shrugged going along with the story. Derek was just as confused. 

"Naughty Picture?"Carolyn asked. 

"Very naughty. You don't want to see"Mark couldn't contain his laughter as Carolyn's face twisted.

"You made a sex tape?"She asked Derek whose cheeks again turned red.

"No ma. Drunk naked picture."

For the rest of the evening they spoke about the shoot, about how close Meredith will be to them. About how the baby can go to the hospital creche. They spoke about the baby and how loved she was. 

Derek and Meredith however were both sitting in confusion. They had no idea what Lexie and Mark were on about. 


Lexie handed Meredith the folder photo. She cringed slightly as she did so. Mark just laughed, he found it amusing. 

Carolyn and Fred were already in bed when Meredith and Derek finally sat on their bed. 

"Derek..i have no idea what this picture is going to be"Meredith gulped.

"Neither do I . Just open it" With shaky hands Meredith unfolded the photo. Her eyes widening.

"That is...that is us Derek."Meredith's jaw dropped,

"It is...its me..on a chair...and you on me..both of us naked and clearly drunk"They both stared at the image.

Was it possible the baby really was Derek's?

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