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"You're telling me, you decided to go to an amusement park while your hip is still recovering?"
THE LOOK MARK had given her made her felt like the dumbest person on the planet as he clicked his tongue in disappointment.

Munhye slumped on her chair as she chewed on her tapioca pearls. They have finished shopping for Jay's clothes, taking only 30 minutes to decide on their final picks. In the end, they had bought over ten sets of outfits for the man. Was it too many? Maybe. Did she mind spending so much money? No.

Now, they were currently relaxing in a boba shop Mark recommended. Munhye ended up explaining everything that has happened in the past weeks—about how she decided to buy the AI, how they established a decent friendship, and how they had gotten into mild banters.

"Still, I don't know why is he so upset about it." Munhye reasoned, "It doesn't affect him whether he knows or not. Besides, the both of us had a lot of fun in the amusement park." She objectively told and Mark grimaced at her.

"I don't think he's upset because of you not telling him." Mark told, his hands fumbling around as he spoke for the AI. "If I were him, I would be upset on myself. I should have noticed your discomfort since I was the one staying with you for the whole time. I should've been more aware and attentive towards you."

"Those are probably the thoughts running through my mind right now." Mark said nonchalantly, taking a sip of his banana milk.

Munhye fiddled with her fingers as she scratched on her skin out of habit. "Stop that." Mark moved her hand from the other.
"You're going to bleed."

The latter bit on her lip, processing Mark's statements as Jay's words replayed in her head. I'm upset I didn't notice you're injured sooner. Her brows pulled into a frown, but it wasn't his fault that he didn't notice? Why would he get upset with himself?

"You need to understand this matter from his perspective, Hye. I know what you're thinking, 'There's no reason for him to be upset.' But there is. When someone cares for you, they'll blame themselves for not noticing your hidden pain."

He tapped her shoulder, nodding as a reassurance before standing up, giving her time to mull over his words. He held the shopping bags in one of his hands while the other held his banana milk. "Let's go. It's almost six."

"Have you bought the tiramisu cake?"
Munhye shook her head, swiftly heading to the cashier and ordered one tiramisu cake before paying. "How about shoes?" Mark asked.

The girl checked her watch. Time passed by quicker than she had thought as it was already six o'clock. "Another time. I need to go home now." She waved her hand, shutting the idea down.

"Okay. Do you want me to accompany you home?"
"Nah, I'll go by myself." She declined, stealing the bags from his grip as the blue-haired man bopped his head. "Alright then." He said.

Once her screen showed a check sign, indicating the driver's arrival, she hugged her friend a goodbye. "I'll see you next time."
"See you."

Along her way to her house, she was filled with apprehension as she overthought about his reaction. Will he be happy? She sure hoped so. She decided to buy all of these stuff because she noticed his love for fashion. He was constantly surfing through the latest fashion styles and trends. So, hopefully he will accept this gift from her.

Once the car halted in front of the trapezium shaped building, she paid the fee and got out of the car. Since technology has developed so much, all of the taxis these days are auto pilot which means there's no driver for you to greet or thank whenever you get in and out of the car.

She entered her house with quick steps, peeking her head out of the hallway, checking whether the man was anywhere near the living room. Fortunately, the living room was vacant. She guessed that he was still in his room.

Taking his absence to her advantage, she laid out the bags of clothes, and boxes of shoes and accessories on the couch, adjusting them to the right angle. She nodded with contentment.

"This should be fine." She talked to herself and walked towards his door.

Her hand hesitated to knock on the door as it hung frozen, inches away from the hard material. Mustering up her courage, she knocked on his door.

She heard footsteps approaching her direction and his door clicked open, sliding to the left. Jay's eyes stared at her, surprise written all over his face since it was the first time, she ever made her way to visit him in his room. "Yes...?"

"Would you mind coming out for a second?" Munhye asked, pointing to the living room.

The latter tilted his head out of curiosity but obliged to her words, nonetheless. "Did we miss a spo-" Before he can finish his words, Jay was met with the sumptuous shopping bags on the couch.

He peered at the girl standing next to him and back to the bags. What is all of this?

"So..." Munhye began, nervousness lacing her velvet voice as she swallowed harshly. "I want to apologize for not informing you of my injury sooner. After thinking over it, you have every right to know about my well-being. But you shouldn't be upset with yourself."

Her eyes shifted to his, their eyes locking as she spoke the last sentence, genuine with her words. Jay's eyes widened, very taken aback.

"You shouldn't blame yourself for something you can't control. Sometimes it's not always your fault so don't keep blaming yourself for the wrong things I've done." She told, reaching to hold his shoulders. "Got it?"

"But I'm-"
"No buts, do you understand?"
"Jayyyy," Munhye whined causing the man to pause, sighing in defeat as he curtly nodded. "Fine."

"Now," Munhye clapped her hands, "don't you want to take a look of your brand-new things?"

Jay beamed with delight, crashing onto the bed as he skimmed through every bag. His exclamations and gasps warmed her as she looked at him fondly. He looked a child getting his first Christmas present. The way his eyes glistened with pure joy infected her emotions as the positivity travelled in the atmosphere.

"Woah!" Jay shouted. "Isn't this the newest limited-edition coat?!" His head snapped at her, unable to believe the piece of clothing he was holding at that moment.

Suddenly, Munhye felt her frame engulfed between his arms. Her heart sparked in orange. The happiness lingered in her heart long after he broke the hug as she could still feel his comforting arms around her.

"Thank you, Mun. This is the best gift ever."

This is still on hold, but I decided to update 😚

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This is still on hold, but I decided to update 😚

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