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   WHEN MUNHYE SAID she didn't want to spend her break by wasting her time, she didn't expect to be having a (surprisingly) good conversation with Sim Jaeyun. Actually, it was still a wonder to her how they had coincided at a rock themed cafe, that sells oddly nice drinks. Jake glanced at the finished drinks stood on their table before puckering his lips as if deep in thought.

"If you want, I know an amazing cafe nearby." Jake suggested, perking Munhye's interest. Should she go? A part of her wants to reject him since he is her team leader, and it would be weird of her to visit cafés with him, yet another part of her yearns to go as her love for cafés pulled through.

"Is it really nearby?"
"Yeah, only a few blocks down."
Munhye hummed, then nodded. She grabbed her hand bag, standing up first as Jake followed her, motioning to the staff for the check. "I'm paying by the way."

Jake merely smiled as he discreetly, while obviously, rushed to the cashier. The girl frowned and hastily raced him.

The both of them reached the cashier and Munhye had already opened her purse, but Jake had already stuck his finger out, and tapped the scanner. After scanning his fingerprint, the payment was successful, and Jake smiled widely to the cashier, thanking her multiple times before leaving the cafe.

Munhye, who was stunned and slightly annoyed, followed him outside as he led them to the café by feet. "Why would you do that?" She questioned, "I should have been the one to pay."

Jake shrugged. "It's no big deal, really."

"It is to me." Munhye countered, which earned a chuckle from Jake. She clicked her tongue and said, "I'm paying this time." She referred to the drinks and snacks they'll have in the next café.
"We'll see."

Munhye could only sighed at his stubbornness. She doesn't know why but for her, it doesn't feel nice when people spend excessively on her. Of course, a drink isn't that bad, but still, she doesn't want to owe anyone. It makes her feel in debt.

Suddenly, Jake halt im his steps and turned around, facing her, "Are you perhaps allergic to any animals?" His question caused Munhye to emit a sound of confusion.
"Alright then, because it's a dog café."

The girl couldn't contain her surprise as a gasp left her lips, "Wait, really?" She sought for assurance, and Jake nodded as he flashed a smile towards her. "Do you like dogs?"

"I actually have a dog back home." Jake pointed behind him as he spoke, "Her name is Layla." His eyes was filled with adoration as he said his dog's name.

Munhye wanted to ask more of his dog, but bit her lips as she refrained herself from asking any further. Meanwhile, Jake was looking at her expectantly since usually, everyone would start asking what breed his dog is and more. However, he was only met with silence and the sound of footsteps.

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