Chapter 5

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Han's world of dreams shatter, with that single phrase, not believing what the engrave infront of him says.

He was NOT expecting that, not at all. So, his childhood best friend and crush was all along The Prince himself.

He has been collecting hints that Minho might be the Prince but all of them were just thoughts.

His playful thoughts, how he would think if Minho was the prince he would kiss him infront of the whole kingdom claiming him; his, and how Minho would protect him from all the evil.

But... but those were just Dreams??? Those thoughts were never supposed to be real.


Han never really gave it that much of a priority. For him those were just some vivid dreams that's all! That's it 

He, Minho, was just very close to the Prince as his "parents work in the palace.

Now that he have a picture or a painting as a prove it's is much clear to him why Minho always used odd hours to meet Han.

"He didn't wanted to get caught by a citizen". Han said to himself. As his mind fogged with memories.

'All those act... was it a lie?? Was he was lying to me all along... He was ashamed of me? Did he think I will judge him because he IS the prince? Or did he judged me all this years? Did he be-friend me because of pettiness??? or...' Way to many thoughts flooded, fogging his head.

Hell! now he's doesn't even sure that Minho remember him anymore or not. He is the goddamn prince why would he want to even remember some lowlife peasant like Jisung?!

Who were just used to meet like on daily basis, talk about random stuffs, do random stuffs, went back to home and that's it... nothing special...

Plus he probably would have tones of ROYAL friends by now, and so many princesses who are head-over-heels for him.

"Well, he might no longer be that loner anymore. Like that idiot he used to be". Han said laughing at his own thoughts.

Maybe it was for the best... After all, why would he remember someone as useless as Han. Any reason! Absolutely not!!

And most importantly why would he be Gay. He is a mother fucking Royal, The Only Prince of Amrelds. Third most Richest Kingdom of the world, and the Richest kingdom of Asia.

Was all, going through Han's head. Right on that moment he wasn't sure of anything anymore, he kept on standing there looking at the painting.

At the young boy who was in a very expensive suite that would cost him 10 rebirths of live savings just to touch it.

Slowly and quietly he walked back to his room laying down on the bed, closing his eyes, trying not to think of any worst possibilities that might happen on the upcoming future and drift to sleep.

But still all the worst outcome that came in his mind made him restless for the rest of night.

Like what will his best fri- Used to be best friend would think about him if he saw him like this right now.. When he is a High Status Prince and Jisung is just a Mere Servant?

Or like, what will he - The Prince will think if he saw him here like this... Will he kick Jisung out or will he make fun of him for what kind of work he do right now...

And would even regret that they were once Friends????

Just the worst of worsts... All the worst possibilities covered his head, worsening his anxiety. Sleep will not come easily tonight.


Next morning, he woke up exhausted from all the lack of sleep and anxiety. It was exactly 6:30am, way to early for Jisung to actually wake up normally.

As his sleep already got disturbed, he decided to just get out of the bed and start his 'new' life at work.

He did his morning routine, went out to the workers cafeteria for the breakfast. As he was walking down the hallways he spotted Seungmin talking with someone.

He was blonde he seems much familiar but it was hard to point-out who it is from that far.

"Hey S-" Han walked up to them, pausing when he saw the person. "AHHH".

"WHAT THE FU-" Felix jumped from the sudden shout.


"AISH- oh Jisung... Yea I colored it... But.. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SHOUTING FOR-" Felix answered half startled, half confused... why are they shouting again.

"Why did you change your hairrrrrrr. I thought we could go red together". Jisung pouted elongating some words in the sentence to show his distress.

"But I told you.. that we're going blonde together... You forgot didn't you." Felix said disappointed but not surprised.

"Oh.. OH... Yea... I forgot.. hehe.. But you still shou-"

"Can you two just shut up." Seungmin said so done with both of them so early in the morning, and while the drama was going on with Felix and Jisung, Chan and Changbin spotted them.

Chan butting in mid fight to pull Jisung away from Felix while Changbin doing the same with Felix. It was normal for both of them to biker like this. The usual Sunshine Twins (as their friend would call them) love to do things together if one of them gets left-out the other began sulking.

Well after coming to a conclusion that both of them sometimes should try other thing and not always matching. All of them agreed, walking towards the cafeteria.

Chan went to order and the rest found an empty table near the wall and sat down there chatting. Jeongin joined not so long after.

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