Chapter 9

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Nothing particularly happened during the last 5 days, just chit-chats, gossips of Felix and Jisung.

Merida also have been pretty awfully annoying. But nothing to extreme for Jisung to hate her.

Time Skip...
Arrival day of the Prince...

It's currently 9:00 A.M in the morning and the whole Kingdom has been busy, loud chatters and music could be heard.

Roads are being decorated by different materials, foods, sweets, flowers
are being transported here and there.

Overall pretty damn busy.

Whereas for the Castle... Something else is going on...


"RIGHT, NO, NO, NO, LEFT, NO RIGHT. PERFECT!!!". Lio yelled.

Who's Lio you say- well he is the current decoration in-charge of the castle...

"BICH- I AM A TRANSPOTER NOT A FUCKING CLOTH HANGER". It, it was Felix, the yelling was pretty reasonable if talking from his side.


Well as Lio said, it's already 9:00 and the whole decoration need to be done by 12:00, which is not even barely 3 hours.

To put the cherry on top, there was deficiency of workers to actually help him with the whole palace decoration, coming down for this crisis. The poor planning of the Minister of Decoration has become an emergency to their end sadly.

Between all these chaos there's standing The Han Jisung, holding the bottom of the ladder on which Felix was currently sitting at.

Thanks for the ladder to have actual rollers, so it can be moved easily from one part to another.

What does Felix is doing here one may ask, he was pulled out of the Transportation section to have been put to work in here, cause he was the only light member to be actually sitting on the ladder without it breaking.

Felix being himself, he pulled out Jisung from the hallways where Jisung was suppose to be working at, and well no one there was brave enough to say anything to Felix, so well, Jisung just kind off tagged along voluntarily.

Leaving behind a furious Merida.

Being the part of the working crew wasn't half bad, the workers well some are pretty friendly and helpful.

Merida was also helping sometimes, with some of the problems he has been facing, and also sometimes giving him free lectures, but over that it was going pretty good.

Well at least for now...


"SOMEONE COME AND CUT THESE FUCKING LEGS FOR ME, or sealing Lio's mouth will work too". Well Jisung snapped... Finally.

After being standing and pushing the ladders for more that 3 hours, his legs are on the verge of giving up. So, he did the thing he thought was good for that moment, he sat down. Yes on the floor beside the ladders.

"You cannot just sit here we need you to mov-".

"Move from this to that to there, I have been pushing this goddamn ladders for more that 3 hours now, the whole hallways is nearly done maybe like a half a quarter is left, chill out dude".

Jisung said between his breath, finally laying down on the floor.

"Well.. you are not wrong but stil-". Lio started.

"No BUTS, if you say another but, my leg will be up your butt". Jisung threatened and Lio just shut up.

Felix also got down slowly from the ladders. Jisung holding it while laying down, just so Felix didn't slip off.

"Well that's a exhausted Jisung for you". Changbin said butting in.

"What are you doing here hyung?". Jisung asked, sitting back up.

"Well the soldiers and performers just went to get ready, so I'm taking my time roaming".

"And why did YOU got ready so early, there is still more that 2 and a half hours left you know...". Felix said scanning Changbin up to down.

How the body suit fits him perfectly, making the biceps pop out and how is the body armor is perfectly covering his chest and how his pants are hugging his thighs...

"It's not like that I am complain tho-".

"I am just Anxious". Changbin confess.
"You know I was the one with Prince the most, or you can say he was with me the most...

From the day I was born to the day day he left, that boy never left my side, even when I was sick, even when we had fights, he never left me alone and I promised to never leave him alone too". Changbin said wiping his eyes.

"Well I talked a lot, it's my cue to leave". Changbin said, walking back towards the direction he came from waving at the 3 as he left.

"Well it's also our cue to complete this work". Lio said smiling towards the boys as one smiled backed, and the other whined.

Even though Lio is hot headed sometimes, he is actually very sweet and respectful towards every worker.

Either his seniors or his juniors he know his place and do well maintain it. That's also the reason why he is kind of hated by some of the other workers on the palace.

People do hate him for his friendly nature as he is friends with literally everyone, just like Chan-hyung social birds.

Unlike someone...
*cough* Merida *cough*.


The whole kingdom is quite, not a single sound can be heard. Neither the birds nor the animals. Nope, nothing.

The sky was grey, cold wind blowing, giving tingles through out the skins of every citizen of the kingdom. It was a experience, no one will forget.

"Is it time yet". Jisung asked.

"No not yet". Chan replied.

"Can you both shut up I'm trying to find Changbin". That was Felix obviously.

"Can you all shut the fuck up". It was Seungmin.

Somehow (thanks to Jeongin and Seungmin) all the friend got to have a pass to get out of the palace in the first place. Being one of the royals favourite have it's own advantage.

When suddenly they heard the front gate open, hitting by the strong wind. Every one looked at the direction.

And... Yes. There he was sitting on the Royal's Signature Black Horse.

There he was The Prince of World's Third Largest Kingdom, and Asia's Largest Kingdom

Prince Lee Minho, The Prince of Ameralds

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