2. The Assistant

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Gabriel wasn't particularly fond of his new assistant.

Charlotte Thompson was nearly a decade younger than himself. She was cheerful and smiling, which annoyed Gabriel to no end. He thought her decidedly distracted and inefficient, and altogether useless. Worse still, on the way back from the station, she attracted a whole lot of attention from young (and old) men, which completely defeated the purpose of discretion.

Gabriel sighed. He had ultimately decided to heed the woman from the previous night's advice, but it turned out to be a false lead. The three of Katherine Wright's colleagues who had led the investigation with her had already passed away. Inspector Waters had died shortly after the case had been concluded in a road accident. Chief Constable Johnson had met his end in an accidental fire nearly five years ago. The last of the three, Detective Zhang was found in her room four weeks ago. She had died of an overdose of sleeping draught.

None of the them had died natural deaths, yet they could all have perfectly plausible explanations. Gabriel was beginning to see why there was suspicion of foul play.

"Where are we headed, Detective Bedford?" Gabriel held in a groan. He could sit down and draw up a list of all the issues he had with his new assistant, but on the very top would be her uncontrollable urge to chatter.

"The Chief Constable's place," he answered curtly, hoping she would take the hint. All good detectives needed their peace and quiet.

"Why?" Gabriel wanted to pull his hair out.

"To investigate his death."

Charlotte tilted her head, somewhat resembling a confused canine. "Why?"

"Because out of the three, his is the only death without a corpse."

"What?" He did not answer.


"Who?" The old guard repeated, not for the first time. His yellow face and strange teeth didn't earn him a favourable impression from the already irritated detective.

"Chief Constable Johnson," Gabriel raised his voice, his annoyance spiking. He had half a mind to carry the man in front of him to the hospital.

"Pardon?" Before Gabriel could break into a violent fit, Charlotte stepped in.

"Perhaps you could tell us about Chief Constable Johnson who lived here?" she asked sweetly. Her voice was gentle but clear, and the yellow-faced man instantly nodded.

"Used to live on the third floor," he answered. This somehow managed to worsen Gabriel's temper.

"How did he die?"

"There was a fire, sir." He scratched the nape of his neck. "The police thought it must've started in his kitchen."

Gabriel paused and threw a glance at the building. "It doesn't look like the place has been repaired in years. How bad was the fire?"

"Very little damage, sir. The only apartments affected were those of Mr Johnson's and his neighbour's. It was a most unfortunate accident." He shook his head. "Thankfully someone discovered it and raised an alarm before it could spread any further."

"What about the neighbour?"

"Which one?"

"The one whose apartment burned down."

"Oh, it didn't, sir," the man clarified. "Minimal damage to any property. And Mr Reed was away on a vacation at the time."

"This Mr Reed- did he live alone?"

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