We Work. We Shouldn't, but We Do - 15

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The sun rose and sat, the moon panned over through its phases in the dark, and many more unfamiliar landscapes and sceneries were bestowed upon them.

It had been a few weeks since the festival, Wednesday's plan was going according to her changes since the missing posters were sent out from her family.

Apparently the festival was celebrating the beginning of the holiday season. But now it was nearing the end of the year.

They've been carefully avoiding the larger areas of people and only going by the smaller ones where their news were not up to date.

And due to the weather getting a bit more crisp and chillier, they had made their weeks a majority of staying at inns. The cold didn't bother the Addams as per usual but for the sake of Enid's comfort, even if she's a werewolf, Wednesday allowed them to stay at more inns and for longer terms.

A week was spent more than half the time spent at an inn or a village cabin, the three other days were slow walks and hikes through the hills and land.

Judging by the map and locations they passed, Wednesday assumed they were now setting foot in the state of New York.

This now meant that they were going blind in areas of avoiding activity not from a town but settlements and camps. Bandits, thieves, hunters.

Obviously why would the greatest authority to Jericho venture outside of Vermont? He had to protect the town.

Enid was a little on edge when the ravenette explained to her about keeping her senses heightened for the presence of unwanted people. Still, she remained cheerful even after her nightmares.

It was strange and slightly worrying to Wednesday, even if she didn't want to admit it... Enid's nightmares were continuous and constant and she always woke up scared but confused, not remembering anything. She only remembers the most vague details and that's it.

And even after all the whimpers and cries in her sleep, she would go through the day with a bright smile on her face that always made Wednesday... stomp out spiders in her stomach and ignore it.

The nightmares were nearly everyday, more frequent than Wednesday's own nightmares. She doesn't talk about her "regular" dreams. But her own nightmares were rarely personal, the only thing was the enjoyment of fear and horror of scaring people or watching dolls "die."

Enid's nightmares seemed like they were personal, but Wednesday couldn't intrude on them when Enid could barely remember them.

The pair walked peacefully through yet another forest... boy, there's a lot of forests over in the East side.

This was their third day of walking, so when night falls they would have their usual 4 days of calming down and relaxing. Wednesday allowed Enid to drag her around like a corpse to explore the little towns, admiring them and comparing them with other past towns.

Their feet crunched up the grass, it was a crisp feeling.

It still hadn't snowed yet surprisingly, despite it being the end of the year on the North Eastern area. It was getting cold enough though for frost to form over the grass and little patches of ice in the still lakes and ponds.

Enid wore several layers of her atrociously-colorful sweaters and pants. And due to the recent drop in temperature, Enid realized she was missing something. Only now did she realize and that she didn't have a covering for her head area... a scarf... a hood...

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