And the Winds Will Call Your Name - 29

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Enid cried into her arms, attempting to muffle them but it was no use.

Wednesday sat there. Completely frozen. Lost in thought. Her hands remained gripped around her stomach and shoulder wound.

She stared at Enid's bloodstained hands with wide eyes.

She couldn't believe it but...

It all made sense.

Enid hid away the bandits' weapons and scraps of clothes without a single trace. Enid burying the coffins on their graveyard date perfectly, as if the grave was untouched.

Her nightmare being connected to blood and pain, being abandoned and lonely.

Wednesday felt her heart ache. It ached so much, she never thought it would've done it this way.

She felt feelings of pity and sorrow soar through her feelings, stinging her heart for Enid.

Enid... I'm so sorry that you had to be a part of this cruel world, Wednesday's gaze slowly shifted up to Enid's covered face.

Enid... I'm so sorry that the human filth are bastards.

Enid... I'm so sorry that you had to go through everything.

Wednesday's teeth grinded as her thoughts tried straightening themselves.

11 people lost their lives. From the hand of a lonely werewolf.

Wednesday needed to set that in her mind, she needed Enid to know that it wasn't her, it was the cursed loneliness that overtook her wolf spirit.

It wasn't her fault, it was everyone else's for leaving and abandoning her.

She heard Enid's story, she didn't make a single friend except her stuffed animals.

She was lonely. She was so lonely and it was the perfect time for her lone wolf spirit to strike.

None of the attacks were Enid's fault.

She saw how the lonely wolf takes away the humanity of the person, but leaves its actions in the person's memories.

It's like the demons from below mind controlled her werewolf at her worst points in life.

And the only way to stop that demon is to have a connection with someone.

Enid never was able to get that.

She never had a single friend, which left her wolf spirit vulnerable and became poisoned by the touch of the devil.

But, ever since she met her. Enid was innocent. She was an innocent girl plagued by loneliness.

From what Wednesday could understand, the lonely werewolf attacks humans because it was angry at them for not accepting them.

Those lonely werewolves were angry with humans, and if they lived long enough they would become a permanent werewolf.

If Enid wasn't a werewolf, nobody would've been hurt... perhaps a horrible fate would happen to Enid instead, but Enid would never harm anything herself unless it was in self defense.

Wednesday clearly saw it happen with the bandits. The bandits wanted to mess with her and Enid only got angry because she was injured.

Enid was able to control herself. Wednesday remembered when she told to just injure the bandits, Enid understood and obeyed. The other times where she lost control was the lone wolf spirit overtaking her.

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