19 - Yejirella.

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The next morning, Yeji woke up early to a call from her mother telling her, that she had had an emergency flight to Japan with her father, for some business matters, but that earlier than she expected, they would be back or maybe at the exact time of dinner.

Her mother had invited Beomgyu and a few Hwangs relatives. But she wished her mom hadn't come up with that idea.

"The dress will arrive at your door in a few hours? Okay? The service people have already been warned and should also already be getting everything ready for dinner."

"Okay, Mom."

After that, Yeji hung up her cell phone and got up going immediately to the bathroom and opted today to wear comfortable clothes since, after what had happened yesterday, she didn't feel like impressing anyone.

Even so, Yeji still looked as beautiful as ever or much more. Her hair was growing and her little belly, a little more each day, although it still wasn't very noticeable if she wore baggy clothes.

Then, she went down to breakfast, wondering if Ryujin had returned last night from her outing with Chaewon or perhaps, had slept with her.

The very thought made her stomach burn and her teeth clench.

"Hannah..." She called out to one of the service girls.

"Good morning, Miss Hwang, would you like me to bring your breakfast now?"

Yeji nodded, but as soon as she could, she stopped the girl.

"Wait..." Hannah looked at her, waiting for her to say something, because Yeji seemed to struggle with the words she wanted to say, until finally, she opened her mouth. "Ryujin came in last night?"

Inwardly her heart began to beat fast and she hoped the answer was yes, to be told that Ryujin was sleeping in her room.

"No." Damn it. "Miss Shin didn't come home last night, Miss."

Her fist clenched for no reason.

Then she stayed with her...

Yeji just nodded, giving a weak smile to the girl, who minutes later brought her breakfast, it was at that moment that Beomgyu arrived.

"I thought you were coming in the evening, for dinner?" Yeji asked her, as the two of them walked through the garden.

"Well, your mother called me very early and told me that you might need help. That's why I came here as early as I could..."

Yeji just nodded and kept silent. But after a few seconds, Beomgyu broke the silence again.

"Yeji..." The cat-eyed girl looked at him. "I wanted to wait for the night to do this, but I think it's better time now that we're in this nice place."

The brown-haired girl was a little confused by his words and then stopped. He stopped in front of her and pulled a small chest out of his coat.

"What is it...-"

"It's a gift for you... For your graduation."

Yeji looked at Beomgyu's hands that held a small red chest and then she took it in her hands, she tried to open it, but he stopped her.

"Open it later, okay? When you go to get dressed." She rolled her eyes internally, but nodded. Pocketing the small chest in her pocket.

A few hours later, the service people were asking Yeji what dishes she wanted them to serve in the evening. But she only opted for simple, unsophisticated dishes that were the only thing that provoked her to eat.

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