003. the willow tree

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the willow tree

thanatophobia CHAPTER THREEthe willow tree

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"I'M JUST TELLING you now that if Snape starts to target you I might be suspended for a while." Dylan Harper states as he and Nova wander down the bustling hallway of the castle. "I bloody hate when he gets all bitchy to you and your cousin because of your family."

    "You and I both, bloody hell." She groans, seeing his messy yellow and black tie making him sigh exasperatedly and drop his bag from his shoulder, allowing her to reach up and begin fixing the tie. "When do we have Moody?"

     "Tomorrow." Dylan sighs, slapping her hand away as she tightens the tie. "He's meant to be bonkers, y'know?"

     "Yeah, Harry said he performed the three unforgivable curses on a spider in their class." Nova mutters, adjusting the strap of her bag as they round the corner and head down towards the dungeons. "Seems pretty fucking loopy to me."

     Nova has never actually met Alastor Moody, she's heard a few stories about him and the infamous order of the Phoenix that their parents were involved in yet she's never seen him in person.

     The pair enter the potions classroom, in its usual dark and quiet state, the candles flicker dimly and the cauldrons bubble lightly. Dylan gently tugs the sleeve of Nova's robe, the duo heading for Amber and Ally who are already sat in their seats yet they're forced to pause when Severus Snape steps out in front of them.

    "I think not, Black, Harper." Professor Snape drawls in his usual dull tone making Nova's shoulders deflate. "You two will have assigned seats, I won't be dealing with your insolence this year, no."

    Nova lets out a quiet breath, "fuck my life." She mutters as she turns and saunters over to the seat he pointed to and she looks to her left and sees a boy in a Slytherin uniform beside her. She props her chin in her hand and lets out an exasperated huff through her nose, glancing behind her and seeing Ginny Weasley two rows back beside a pale blonde Ravenclaw girl, Luna Lovegood. Ginny pulls a funny face to Nova whilst Luna just smiles dreamily at the Black who gives her a friendly one back.

    Nova has never spoken to Luna, the Lovegood girl often keeps to herself and is usually either in the forest or taking with the Grey Lady in Ravenclaw tower. She's a certain type of beautiful, a beautiful that seeps right through the soul and reflects onto her skin.

    Snape drones on about the benefits of different types of dittany for healers. Despite Snape's opinion of Nova, nobody can deny how extraordinarily good she is at potions. It's a subject that just simply makes sense to her. Regulus was good at potions and despite him going on about how Maria blew up their potion, not once but twice, Nova knows that she was good too.

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