029. stargazing with a side of snogging

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stargazing with a side of snogging

thanatophobia CHAPTER TWENTY-NINEstargazing with a side of snogging

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NOVA HAS BEEN in better situations than the one she is in right now, sat in Slughorn's office eating an ice dream sundae. She's sat between Harry and Hermione, a strange selection of students around the circular table as Slughorn asks each of them individually about their lives or whatever. Nova is bored out of her mind.

Blaise and Theodore sit across the table from Nova, also bored and excited for the tedious meal dinner party to be over as Cormac rambles on about his famous Uncle or whoever. Nova's lost track, he likes to boast.

Theo can't stop glancing at Nova, and he can feel the two older Gryffindors either side of the girl constantly catching his stares. She looks incredible, her hair straight and wearing a small grey dress that fits her tight with a small pleated section at the bottom.

"Nova! What about your father, is he well?"

Nova clears her throat, "uh, yeah. He's good." Nova nods with a polite small. "Just busy with work."

"Ah, I see, and what is it that he does?"

"I don't know myself really." Nova says with a small laugh. "It's all confidential and shi—stuff. He's actually in France with our cousin right now."

"Very interesting." Slughorn nods. "I always knew your father would do well, he was a truly exceptional student."

Nova smiles sheepishly, glancing down at her ice cream as Ginny enters the room looking as though she's been crying and Slughorn's face lights up.

"Miss Weasley! I was beginning to worry."

"Sorry." Ginny apologises, plastering a smile as she smoothed down her dress. "I'm not usually late."

"They've been fighting again." Hermione whispers to Harry and Nova. "Her and Dean."

Nova sighs, shaking her head and glancing over at Theo who is already looking at her. She gives him a scowl and he grins at her making her lips turn up slightly.

Theo chuckles in achievement and Blaise rolls his eyes at his friend from beside him. Blaise has had enough of Theo's lovesick complaining, always rambling about how he could never be with Nova and make her happy. Blaise is constantly telling the boy to grow a pair and be with her while he has the chance. But no, of course it's never that easy with Theo.

       "I'm gonna stay back." Harry says, grabbing his cousin's elbow gently as everybody filters out of the room. "I'll meet you in the common room in the morning to tell you about it. Dunno how I'm supposed to get him to tell me anything."

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