005. dragons and dumb fuckers

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dragons and dumb fuckers

thanatophobia CHAPTER FIVEdragons and dumb fuckers

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THE DAYS THAT followed consisted of Harry getting shouted at in the halls and Ron giving him the cold shoulder. This meant that Nova and Hermione agreed that Hermione would try her best to keep Ron company whilst Nova will stay with Harry. Sometimes they switch. It's inconvenient, considering Nova has her own friends too, yet they're nice enough to welcome Harry with open arms.

    "To be honest, Harry, what fourteen year old would really be able to get past Dumbledore's age line?" Nova asks him rhetorically as the pair wander down the bustling hallway, many students stare because suddenly everyone hates Harry for entering himself. Jealously really is a bitch. "I'll answer, fucking none of them. Not even Hermione could do it! Whoever actually thinks you but your own name in there are all dumb fuckers."

    Nova says the last part purposefully louder making Harry flush slightly as more people turn to them. Nova rolls her eyes, tugging her cousin along.

    "Hey, Neville." Harry says hesitantly, afraid that even Neville might think he's some cheating liar.

    "Oh—hi Harry, hi Nova!" He greets them in his usual innocent brightness that puts a smile on Nova's face instantly. "I was going down to the lake to look for water plants. . .want to join?"

    "Yeah, sure, Neville." Harry nods and Nova grins, walking between the two boys.

    The trio arrive at the lake and Harry takes to sitting against a tree with one of his books, getting some homework done whilst Neville explains some of the things he's looking for to Nova. It's easy to fascinate the Black girl, but also easy to shift her attention.

    "No way." Nova laughs as she and Neville stand in the water with their pants rolled to their knees and Harry offers his cousin a small smile, watching her grin as Neville mutters under his breath about the extraordinary nature in the lake beneath them.

"What are these?"


"Ow! Fucker." She throws the plant down into the lake and grabs her finger in pain. Neville lets out a small laugh and Nova wafts her hand in the air to somehow eat the sting. "What was that thing?"

"They're harmless." Neville assures her.

"It bit me—or stung me!" Nova grimaces and Neville laughs quietly. "Whatever. I think that's enough of the lake for me." She mutters, walking to the shore and Neville laughs as he continues to ponder the aquatic plants.

"Here." Harry throws her a small towel and she tries her legs and feet before slipping back into her shoes and socks and rolling her jeans down.

"What are you doing?" Nova sighs, sitting beside him on the leaf covered ground and Harry shrugs, turning the page of the book. "Harry."

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