008. a little death

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a little death

thanatophobia CHAPTER EIGHT a little death

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THE FINAL TASK approached fast, not giving them time to breathe after the tragedy that had occurred on the school grounds. Barty Crouch's death was presumed to be a mystery. But Nova is confident that her suspicions of Mad-Eye are true. She knows that he had something to do with it. But proving that. . .well, that part was another issue entirely. She had gone to Minerva the previous evening.

"Minnie, I know how it sounds but—"

"How it sounds? Nova you're accusing a teacher of murder." McGonagall had said with a sigh of disbelief as the Black stood opposite her in her office.

"Please, Professor." Nova spoke with a certain tone that makes Minerva actually seem worried for a moment. "I don't have solid proof. I know that but—I promise you I'm right."

      "Well it is almost curfew." Minerva sighed, looking at the girl pointedly and Nova had groaned in disbelief. "Go back to your common room and stop snooping around trying to find things that aren't there, alright?"

Despite Minerva wanting to believe her, without evidence it would be useless to make a big deal out of it. Nova stared at her for a moment, opening her mouth before closing it again, turning and walking out of the office.

Nova hadn't gotten nearly enough sleep that night, spending her whole night and early morning overthinking and obsessing over the idea that Moody isn't Moody. She'd gotten dressed early and wandered down to the common room to try and clear her head by reading the daily prophet. Instead she found articles about the tournament and that lead her mind back to Mad-Eye.

She knows that this isn't what she should be focusing on. She's thirteen and should be focusing on schoolwork and obsessing over boys, not the fact that her newest Professor might be a murderer. It shouldn't have even passed her mind, but it did.

After reading her letters, Regulus Black had decided to arrive at Hogwarts early, hoping to speak with Dumbledore and also Moody. Of course, he didn't tell Nova this because he didn't want to worry her that he too is worried. He also didn't tell Dumbledore this, wanting to see whether Moody might be surprised to see him.

Nova is sat in the courtyard alone, her legs crossed on the stone bench as she reads a Shakespeare play, her personal favourite, Macbeth. Her dark hair is pulled back in an unruly knot at the back of her head and her top half buried in Regulus' old Slytherin quidditch jumper. She also wears some dark blue jeans and some old and worn grey converse.

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