Meeting Foxy

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(Your P.O.V)
All the guys were talking and getting along surprisingly well over at Pirate Cove Chica and I were sitting at one of the tables int he party room just talking about the boys and how excited Chica was to finally have someone she could REALLY talk to. All of a sudden, I see Foxy sitting over a few spots from the other guys staring at me. They didn't really seem to notice he was gone which made me said. He was leaning up against the Pirate Cove entrance. When I caught him staring, he and I both blushed a little bit and smiled. Chica noticed me blushing and smiling and looked in the direction of where Foxy was sitting and looked back and forth between the two of us.
(Foxy P.O.V)
I stepped away from the group because I couldn't stop thinking about Amber. I went over and sat down I front of Pirate Cove because that was he only place I had a clear vision of her. She caught me staring and we both blushed, her more than me.
She likes me I thought as I smiled. Soon Chica noticed and smiled and playfully nudged Amber's arm with her elbow. She leaned over and said something to Amber, both still looking in my direction. Chica must've asked her a question because Amber shook her head 'yes', blushed meagerly, and smiled like crazy.
(Your P.O.V)
Chica leaned over and said "you like him don't you?!" Just barely quiet enough to the point to where he wouldn't hear. I started blushing so much and got really giggly when I nodded my head 'yes'. Chica told me his name was Foxy after I answered. He must've noticed me blushing because he started laughing and mouthed the words 'you're cute' to me and i barrier my head in my legs as I started giggling. My face was SOOO red I couldn't believe it. Chica asked what he said and I told her and she started poking me playfully on my arm and started teasing me about how I should go over there.
(Foxy P.O.V)
When she started calming down and her face was going back to her normal skin tone and when I was able to stop laughing so much, I went into the secret door inside pirate cover where I slept and basically lived, I ripped off a piece of paper and wrote a note on it and walked back out. It looked like Amber and Chica where talking about something when I walked out. I took a deep breath and walked over. I gave Amber he note and kissed her head and walked just enough out of the room to the point where she would think I'm gone and wait a few seconds before I poked my head back inside the room, just in time to see her reaction.
(Your P.O.V)
When Foxy gave me the note and kissed my head as he left I opened up the note and started blushing. The note said
'Meet me at Pirate Cove at around 9:00-9:30 pm
-love, Foxy <3'
It was so cute I couldn't let him down so I figured I'll go. I couldn't wait!
(Chica P.O.V)
When she read the note she blushed and covered her mouth with her hand.
"What does it say! What does it say!" She gave me the note as she took her hand away from her mouth and put her head in her hands. After I read it I looked over at the door and saw Foxy peering around the corner. I mouthed the words 'smooth' he shrugged and mouthed 'I know' and smirked. Amber noticed him at the door and she gave him a look that said 'really?!' He just winked and left.... for real this time.
(Foxy P.O.V)
Ok I gotta admit that was pretty funny but I really do hope the lass comes! I really want t' talk t' th' lass alone but I can't get any time with 'er without Freddy or Bonnie invading. I could tell Chica will do anything to see the lass happy so I don't believe I'll have a problem with her but Freddy.... That boy will do everything t' steal 'er from me. And I am NOT going t' let that happen.

Meeting New Friends Part 1Where stories live. Discover now