The Shadows

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(Your P.O.V)
Night 2 went by really easy. Every once in a while Bonnie or Chica would come to our doors but that's about it. Foxy peered out a bit but didn't come running. As Mark and I walked out of the office, Chica ran up and hugged me, glad to see I was still ok. Foxy congratulated me as he hugged me then we walked into our group of friend's conversation. I was standing in between Freddy (on my left) and Foxy (on my right.) During the conversation, I felt Freddy grab my hand all to casually. Foxy noticed and put his hand around my waist bringing me closer to him and pulling my hand away from Freddy's. Other than that I thought everything was going ok until I spotted something I hadn't before. In the Shadows, in front of me, I could see two glowing white lights that looked like eyes. I was about to ask Freddy or Foxy or really anyone if they noticed what I did but then I heard a voice....
Don't even try your the only one who can see and hear me right now. Im invisible to them. The voice said.
What the hell? Can it read my mind? I thought.
Actually yes I can! That's how we are communicating and that's why no one can hear me but you. The voice sounded like a guy. No one I've recognized.
Now if you want to see me, I'll be in the office... Make sure you're alone. Those last words seemed to echo in my head... "Make sure you're alone."
"Guys, I'm getting tired I'm gonna go take a nap. I'll see you when I wake up!" I said and walked back to the office alone like the voice told me to. Again, when I walked in I noticed in the shadows that there was those eyes again.
"So I see you came?" He said only this time it wasn't in my head.
"Yes, I did. Now who are you and why did you want to meet me?!"
"Meet you? It was your choice to come here or not... Actually it wasn't. You were gonna come here no matter what."
"Whatever. Can you at least come out of the shadows?" I asked TRYING to be polite about the way I said it.
"If that's what you want..... Princess..." And he came out and he must have really liked gold. He had golden hair, white eyes, and bear-like ears like Freddy's only golden. He was wearing a yellow shirt, yellow shorts, and black shoes. Also, like Freddy, he had a bow tie and top hat on. He's kinda cute but I still like Foxy more! He pulled out a beautiful bright rainbow flower from behind his back and offered it to me. I blushed and took it from him.
"You look a lot li-" he cut me off.
"Freddy? Yeah I know, he's my brother." He said.
"So, are you going to tell me a name or do I have to make one up?" He chuckled.
"No no, my name is Golden Freddy" he backed me up against one of the walls and put his hands on my waist. "but you can call me Golden or Gold." He winked then started to kiss me. Why are all the bear animatronics sexual and perverted? I said to myself. I just decided to give into the kiss and start kissing back because well.... why the hell not? Gold pulled me away from the wall just far enough to the point where he could wrap his arms around me.
(Bonnie P.O.V)
As time was going by I kept thinking about Amber. She didn't look or seem tired when she said, "I'm getting tired I'm gonna go take a nap". Maybe it was just me and my head jumping to concussions but I couldn't resist checking up on her.
"I'm gonna check on Amber, I'll be back!" I said then got up and walked off. It looked like she went back to the office to rest so that was my first guess.
(Gold P.O.V)
She likes me, I know she does. I just have to get her away from Foxy then me and Amber can take over this restaurant they took away from me. Her lips were so soft. Then, I heard someone walking towards the office, probably to check up on Amber so I broke the kiss.
"Hey, Amber. You see that door over there?" I pointed towards a door in the back of the office only a few feet away from us that lead into just a dark empty room.
"Yeah why?" She giggled. I love it when she giggles.
"What do you say we go in there so that no one will find us?" I was worried she would say no and walk away but she actually thought about it for a quick few moments.
"Sure! Let's go!" I picked her up bridal-style, opened the door, walked in and set her down, then closed the door. ("Open the door, get on the floor, everybody do the dinosaur!" Anyone who gets that reference is awesome!) As I heard the footsteps run away, I felt her grab my shirt and pull me towards her as she kissed me.
Wow... I think my plan is going to work PERFECTLY this time... for once! And this time SHE has an option... if I can only make her believe me....
(Bonnie P.O.V)
I walked up to the right office door and it was shut. I looked through the glass and the other door was shut as well so I glanced around the room but she wasn't in there.
I should tell the others maybe something's wrong.... Is Gold back? No that's impossible, we banished him from coming here after he tried to steal some other girl and turn her against us..... I should definitely tell the others! I thought. I sprinted back down the hallway as fast as I could possibly run, back to the others.
(Mark P.O.V)
Bonnie came sprinting down the hallway with a scared expression on his face.
"Did anyone see Amber go into the office to take a nap?!" Everyone was trying to think then Foxy (no surprise) spoke up.
"She did, I remember!" At first Bonnie's face was happy but then it turned into a mixture of sadness, worry, and scared.
"Bonnie, don't say ye didn't find the lass in there?!" Foxy said. Bonnie's face turned to pure white and a little scared. "Bonnie........ YE BETTAR BE JOKIN'!" Foxy yelled and ran back to the office, we all followed.
(Foxy P.O.V)
I swear if Bonnie isn't joking I'm gonna rip someone's head off! When I got t' the office the doors were down, none of us can get in. Chica then Bonnie then Freddy said
"Gold." (Chica said)
"Is." (Bonnie said)
"Back." (Freddy said) all with scared faces, well except Freddy he looked like he wanted to murder Gold.
All of a sudden, all the lights went off and music started playing....

Meeting New Friends Part 1Where stories live. Discover now