Shes all mine (part 1)....

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(Gold P.O.V)
I'm not gonna lie, I was terrified to death but also a little turned on by the way she killed. I know she's being controlled but I have to admit, that was impressive. I caught her as she passed out. I think I broke the connection between her and Salvage, however he was controlling her. I gently picked her up and laid her down on top of one of the tables and I can tell you right now that I have a few choice words for Salvage...
"What the hell were you thinking!" I walked right up to him and almost beat the shit out of him but I wanted to get some answers first.
"What are you talking about? She's fine! You should let her come with me and I can help raise YOUR child." The way he said that made me more angrier than I had planned to be.
"you STAY AWAY FROM MY CHILD!" I yelled as I slammed him up against a wall. "AND YOU STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!" I warned with one arm against his throat getting ready to choke him if I needed to while I used my other hand to point towards Amber.
"No can do. Y'see I own her now. I can make her do whatever I want, whenever I want. Hell I could even wake her up right now." He said rather evil.
"I could wake her up as well and don't you dare try anything I swear to god I'll end you."
"Don't worry, Golden, I'm not going to hurt your little princess..." I broke into a fight with him while choking him a few times and knocking him unconscious for only a little bit.
(Freddy P.O.V)
I was the first one to rebuild myself since I was the smart one and ran away and hid until she was done. She didn't hurt me that bad, but still. Animatronics can't die. I looked around for her as I watched my brother beat the shit out of..... Salvage? I didn't have time to question, I had to find Amber. I found her curled up in a ball, hugging her knees as she cried, begging them to stop silently. I went over and held her in my arms and told her that everything will alright.
"B-but what if t-they don't stop!" She stuttered through tears.
"They will, they will. Don't worry, everything will be ok. Trust me."she leaned in closer to me, as if that were even possible. She cried in between my chest and shoulder as I watched the fight.
Man I wish I had some popcorn! No, no time for stuff like that. As mush as I hated him, I just have to keep her safe...... For Gold.
"I love you" I whispered in her ear. It seemed like I heard her say "I love you, too" softly in between tears. I'll just test her later.
(Your P.O.V)
I was so horrified of what I did, I didn't want to be here in the party room surrounded by the mess I made. I had woken up earlier than people realized because I heard part of Gold and Salvage's conversation. I heard Gold protecting me. When they started fighting, I sat up and started crying but I don't think they noticed. Soon, Freddy spotted me and came over and held me in his arms. I have to admit, I do have a crush on him but knew he liked me back when he told me he loved me. I said 'I love you too' so quietly, I don't even think it was called whispering. I don't think he noticed though. I did like Mark more but I don't think it could ever happen because of my baby. There was no doubt about it, if I had to choose between any one of these guys to stay with I would pick Gold because not only do I love him the most, but I don't want my child growing up the way I did. I checked the time. 11:50. How did we lose track of time so easily? The fight stopped a few moments before I checked the time. I yelled out what time it was and everyone went to their places and Mark and I went back to the office to begin the 4th night. It wasn't exactly easy to get through, but we somehow managed.
(Salvage P.O.V)
I wasn't about to let Gold have his "happy ending"! I knew that after he beat me to the ground that there was still that little demon bad ass inside of him. I just had to make Amber see it then..... then she'll want nothing more but to go home and be as far away from him as she possibly can. I think it's time we had a little "chat" with Gold don't ya think? I sent him a message telling him to meet me in one of the secret rooms alone.
"Ok I'm here, now what the hell did you want!" Gold said as he shut the door behind him.
"Calm down, Grumpy, this has nothing to do with your little Princess or whatever you call her." I mocked.
"If you don't want me to hurt her in some way, then what other threat are yo-" I couldn't stand his voice any longer! I had to just take my chances and hypnotize him so that I could control him. I gave him his command and sent him off to complete it. If this one doesn't work then I guess I'll have no choice but to take it up a notch...
(Gold P.O.V)
All I remember was talking with Salvage then blacking out and waking up on the stage. Something didn't exactly feel right. Amber was still trying to calm down since I last saw her. Freddy was still cuddling the shit out of her. I just stood outside of the room peering inside of the doorway, watching Amber shake in fear. It wasn't until I spotted Freddy flirting with her that something snapped inside of me and I felt the rage build up inside me.
She's MY princess and I'm not going to let my brother take her away from me! I'll lock her up if I have to! The next thing I knew, I was attacking Freddy and beating him up.
"YOU STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HER YOU HEAR ME!" I screamed in his face while punching him. I found a knife in my pocket... Boy am I going to have fun.
(your P.O.V)
Out of no where, Gold attacked Freddy and was beating him up. I was truly terrified after he screamed in his face but was heartbroken when I saw him pull out a knife. I couldn't sand to watch this. I shirked, and as tears were poring down my face, I ran away screaming "SOMEONE HELP MAKE IT STOP!" Repeatedly, all through the halls. Eventually, I found Mark, Bonnie and Foxy talking but once they heard me, they all turned to face me with a mixture of concern and confusion in their faces. I saw Mark first and ran straight into his arms. He had one hand in the middle of my back and the other on my head as he stroked my hair asking me to please calm down.
"HES.... GOING TO.... KILL.... HIM!" I said in between tears still cryin my eyes out.
"Who? Who's going to kill who and where? We'll stop him!" Bonnie said glancing over at Foxy then back to me.
"G-G-GOLD IS GOING T-TO KILL F-FREDDY IN..... THE... PARTY ROOM!" I managed to get out the words, stuttering through my tears.
"Ok come on guys! Don't worry, Amber, we'll out a stop to this." Bonnie said as he started running.
"Foxy go, I'll stay here with Amber and try to get her to calm down. Go!" Mark said while looking at Foxy then looking back down at me, still in his arms. "It's going to be ok Amber, everyone will be okay. shhh shhh."
(Bonnie P.O.V)
Foxy and I started sprinting as fast as we could back to the party room. When we got there, we stood in horror of what Gold had done to Freddy. He had cuts all up and down his arms and legs and a couple on his stomach, all gushing out blood. Gold looked like he was about to Finnish him off for good. The one thing about animatronics in human form is, if we lose to much blood it won't matter if we repair ourselves from the damage, we will still die from blood loss but it takes longer since we aren't exactly fully human. Gold held the knife, that was already dripping blood not to mention covered in it, over Freddy's heart, ready to kill him. Foxy and I made a plan. He would distract Gold while I drag Freddy off back to where Mark and Amber were waiting. Foxy snuck up behind him and dug his hook into Gold's back causing him to drop the knife on the floor, next to Freddy. It wasn't exactly a distraction but it will do. This way he could help me get Freddy back to a safe area. We were about to pick him up when we heard quick footsteps coming towards us. Foxy and I both looked in the direction we heard it from. It was Amber. She came sprinting into the room with Mark a bit out of breath jogging slowly behind her. Amber looked calmed down but on the edge of crying. She immediately saw Freddy and ran over to him.
"Freddy oh my god what did he do to you!" She said, her face filled with horror as she knelt to the ground beside him. She reached down to touch one of the cuts softly but Freddy moaned in pain and she quickly removed her hand. "Sorry!" She said, almost as fast as she moved her hand. She got up and backed away slowly and let us take him away, back to where she had found us.
(Your P.O.V)
As they lifted his motionless body, I heard him painfully say just above a whisper, "stay away from Gold". I nodded and watched him be dragged away by Bonnie and Foxy. As I went to go look at Gold I spotted a knife on the ground, covered in Freddy's blood. There was a small pile of blood underneath the knife as I lifted it up off the ground. I went into the kitchen to wash all the blood I could off of it then went back into the party room. Mark had stayed behind mainly to catch his breath but also to watch and make sure Gold remained on the ground and couldn't get up. These last few attacks that Gold has done makes me question if I want to be with him anymore. This is now the second time tonight that he's don't something like this. When I walked over to him, Mark stood up and backed up but only a few steps in case he tried to attack me as well. Gold tried sitting up but moaning in pain as he did so. I knelt down in front of him and put the knife up to his throat so he knew I wasn't messing around.
"Why." That's all I said and I waited for a few moments but he finally gave me an answer.
"What you saw? That wasn't me. You know I wouldn't over react like that. Please Amber." I knew that in his eyes he was saying sorry as well as his mouth was but couldn't take my chances.
"If that wasn't you then who's controlling you!" I pressed down a little on his throat not enough to draw blood though. I saw how scared he was. I pressed the knife at an angle, drawing a little blood. "Tell me, or you'll never see your child. And I mean it." I knew how important this child was to him. Once he found out he was going to raise a child, it was like that was all he cared about, me and our child. If I put our child on the line, he'll do anything I say.

Meeting New Friends Part 1Where stories live. Discover now