The plan is working (part 1)

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(Your P.O.V)
Mark was the first one to wake up, then Bonnie, then Foxy and Freddy and Chica. Once they were all awake, I stepped out in front of them, all lined up against the wall helpless and weak just like I wanted them to be.
"Why *cough* are you *cough* doing *catches breath* this? We're your fffff*cough*friends!?" Chica said coughing up blood every once in a while.
"I'm doing this so that us three can take over this place." I said as I walk up to her and get right in her face. She lets out a small and quiet whimper and tries to back away against the wall. I slowly back away, back to the spot where I was standing in front of everyone. "I'm also doing this so that we can just kill any one of you and anyone that comes into the game." I said and smirked a little bit as I said it.
"Hey whatever they told you, it isn't true. You know each and every one of us very well, you know we wouldn't do anything like that to you. Come on, Amber! I know the Amber I know is in there somewhere.... I believe in you." What make said right then and there pulled me out of the trans I was in for just a short period of time. A smile grew to my face, a happy one, just like I use to smile. But now all of my smiles have evil in them. I started walking towards him and almost hugged him but then I snapped back and my hatred came back.
(Mark P.O.V)
When she came to hug me, I could see her, Amber, in her eyes, but then she snapped back into this some kind of trans she was in and snapped at me. But just before she went back into her trans, I saw fear in her eyes. They seemed to say 'help me' or 'save yourself, run away' or something like that. She was warning me. She was warning us. She also sent a quick message in my head:
"I'm going to try and save you guys, keep saying stuff like that! Your helping me resist this hell, this darkness they've trapped me in, I explain mor when you fall asleep!" She said, her words coming out faster and faster as if she were on the edge of drowning, or running out of precious time, like every second counted.
"How dare you do that! I'm glad your the first one to die!" She screamed in my face then slammed me against the wall. She was still there. I saw the disappointment and sadness in her eyes and all the pain she's going through, having to do this to us. She again said 'help me' in her eyes, so I mouthed the words 'we'll save you, hold on' and she gave a faint nod just before someone walked in. We all turned our heads to see Gold walking in. Amber stood and backed away with me until she ran into Gold and he out his hands on her arms as if he were almost catching her in a way. He started to rub his hands up and down her arms then he stopped mid way at her elbows and said,
"What seems to be the problem, princess? Isn't this want you've always wanted? To see them shake in fear, down on their knees, begging to be released? Don't you enjoy seeing them in misery?" He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her from behind as he rested his head on his shoulder, glaring at us and every once in a while glancing up at Amber and smirking as he talked. She glanced over at Chica with sadness in her eyes. Chica mouthed 'it's gonna be ok, I promise!' to Amber while Gold was glaring at the rest of us. I saw a faint smile, just as quickly as it appeared, it faded and the misery over came her face. Gold turned her around, put s hand on her back, and walked her in the small room in the back where they could talk and no one would hear her, no matter how loud she screamed, no matter how much she sobbed, we would never hear her. Later that night we all were suppose to get some sleep so that they could get ready over night and prepare to make their plan a reality. As Gold, Salvage, and Amber came walking out of the back room, I heard Amber talking to them as they walked so I pretended to sleep like the all the others were so we could listen to their conversation.
"Yes, I'm sure. If they try anything I'll beat them into the ground and hopefully teach them a lesson about messing with me." She said reassuring them of something, most likely that she could stay here by herself.
"Fine, but if they hurt you in any way shape or form, DOENT matter if it only one of the animatronics who hu-" Gold got cut off.
"Hurt me, you'll murder every single one of them on the spot no exceptions, I know I know, I explained that to them earlier when I was out here!" She said, sounding like a teenager being reminded often thing for the millionth time. It was cute. "No run off there gonna wake up soon!" I could imagine her pushing them out the door and shutting it behind them. We all heard them walk off so when she said "all clear" we all perked up, wide awake. Some of us were actually sleeping.
"Okay, now I'm going to send you guys to sleep, have us all meet in one room, then I'm going to tell you what he told me a few hours ago. I need your guys's help!" A few minutes earlier, before they pulled her back into the back room, we kept telling her thats everything's fine, were gonna be okay, we're gonna save you, we believe in you, stuff like that that knocked her out of her trance for a bit. "Everyone ready?" She asked. We all shared glances at each other while nodding 'yes'.
"See you in your dreams!" Chica said. The. We all blacked out and woke up in a room together like she said we would, in the dream she put us in.
"Okay guys! They not only want to take over this place, but they want to shut down the game so that anyone inside the game gets trapped and killed, then later on, in my world, the game will be as if it never even existed. That's why he wanted you guys chained up so that us three could escape and your four would be left to die." She said, almost in a panic.
"We'll figure something out, don't worry." I said.
"No matter what we need to get Gold back on the good side and train up to fight Spring Trap and make sure he never comes back." Freddy actually had a good idea!
"I was thinking the same thing!" Bonnie said.
"Okay so it's agreed then?" We all shook our heads yes. "Okay good but first we need to get me out of this trans for good!" A part of her was joking around but in reality, we all knew that had to be a first priority. Everything went black again then moments later, we all woke up, chained to the wall like we were before.
(Your P.O.V)
We all returned back to reality. Gold came in, (just in time to!) I was getting tired so we made a little place for us to sleep on the floor next to the animatronics so that I could sleep and he could watch them. We laid there with his arm around me, holding me, as I fell asleep. In the morning our plan would start. Both Salvage's and our little secret plan of revenge on Salvage. When I woke up Gold was just starting to wake up next to me. They were all still sleeping so I decided to try and get him on his good side again. I got us both up and took him I tot he back room.

"Y'know we haven't picked out names for our baby yet." I saw it! It's working! "I was thinking about Emily, maybe Ashley. What do you think?" I looked up at him and his eyes filled with joy. He was coming back.

"What about Gracie?"

"I was leaning towards Gracie but wasn't sure if you'd like it or not." I said. He had a huge grin in his face, happy to become a father.
"I love it. And I love you too, Princess." He kissed my forehead. And pulled me into a hug. His eyes came back to normal so quickly I almost missed it. "Woah... I guess now I can change the way my eyes look! That's so cool!" Sounding like a little kid. "Now we can be together and be happy. We should plan something to get back at Salvage for making us live like that!" I glanced out the doorway to see if anyone had woken up yet. All of them were awake, perfect! I didn't say a word, I just grabbed on of his hands and dragged him out to where they were staying. They started to look panicked.

"Hey hey calm down its ok. He's back to normal." I could hear the, all take a deep sigh of relief that they didn't have to deal with him anymore. "Ok ok we can celebrate later when we get rid of Salvage! Any ideas? I need paper and a pencil or pen. Gold rushed off and got exactly what I needed. We first started by having ideas on what we could do. When we decided on a few attacks, we soon came up with a plan. About half an hour later we had a plan ready to begin. I knew where Salvage was so we decided that it was our best time to attack since Gold could now control me and himself now.

"Ok, now everyone pick a partner don't worry you won't be with them for long. This is just so that we can keep track of everyone and it makes it easier to split up. I'm asking you to do this because you and your partner are going to pick a set of doors to stand by and hide there. If his back is turned to you, you attack, but only one set at a time Ya got it?" everyone looked at each other then back at me and nodded. "ok good. If one of you noticed that the other people are in danger you run out and help them, or. If they're hurt or injured, someone step up and pull them away from the fight and if you can, this is only if, help heal them and protect them. I also don't want any side fights, meaning if someone made you angry or did something you didn't want them to, you take it out on Salvage and Salvage ONLY everyone clear?" Again everyone nodded. "Good any questions?" I looked around. I was about to say "let's go" but then I saw a hand go up.
"Bonnie?" I said pointing towards him.
"Can Gold control all of us or just you?" I looked over to my left where Gold was sitting.
"I could try and control someone else other than Amber but only if it's an absolute emergency. Like if someone needed a little extra help fighting because they got a small cut or something but could still fight, THEN I would step in and control them and make them do more damage. Amber is just easier to control because I've don't it before."

"But if someone is injured, wouldn't we take them away from the fight?" Chica asked, very confused.

"Not if its only a small injury like a small cut like what Gold said earlier. If they can still fight let them be, if they get worse THEN take them away." I said. She nodded in understanding and I said "let's go" and we all chose our partners. It was Freddy and Chica, Mark Bonnie and Foxy, and Gold and I. We're ready to attack.

Meeting New Friends Part 1Where stories live. Discover now