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In another time and place, Taren would have graciously tolerated the students that had flocked to meet him after first period. But being the center of attention wasn't going to help him get to the one goal he had for attending this school. Distracted by the flurry of excited female chatter, when next he looked again the petite girl had left the room.

'It doesn't help that she's so darn quiet.' He mused.

"Excuse me," Taren told the girls, getting up in a rush and snatching his backpack. "I'll see you all in the next class." Ignoring the looks of surprise and disappointment, he sprinted out the door after Kari.

Squinting in the crowded hallway, he spotted her just as she turned a corner.

'This is ridiculous. Now I'm a literal stalker!' Taren gritted his teeth, following a few steps behind the girl. 'I'm just going to ask her where History class is; there's really nothing to it. But why am I hesitating like an idiot?'

Mustering up his courage, he was about to call out her name when a tall boy stepped right into his path. Taren recognized him as the same kid that kicked Lipstick Girl's chair.

"Hey. Newbie." The fellow sneered, jabbing a finger at the transfer student's chest. "Why are you stirring up the school on your first day huh?"

'Oh boy, and the school bully just happens to be in her class,' thought Taren. He looked at the youth calmly, who stood a couple of inches taller than him and had the stocky build of a boxer.

"What's with the weird specs?" The boy tilted his head, peering at him. "Let me help you with that." His hand reached for the glasses.

"Touch it and your dead." Taren said in a low voice. The boy stopped, sensing the menace underneath the tone.

Taren could tell the scene was causing quite a lot of attention. Though he could barely see more than ten feet away, he could clearly hear the students in the vicinity gathering around, whispering cautiously.

"Who is he...?"

"He's the new student in Class 2..."

"What bad luck, that's Shiro-san!"

Taren glanced behind Shiro--finally, a name for this scumbag!--and saw Kari standing at the edge of the crowd, her face a mixture of concern, fear and disgust. He cursed inwardly; he was certainly not making a good first impression!  

He almost missed the fist that was coming at him. He stepped to the side, instinctively moving his arm up to parry the blow, but Shiro's left hook and longer reach grazed the side of his face, knocking his glasses off. It landed with a loud clatter on the floor.

Taren knew all too well it wasn't the poor glasses that brought out the gasps of surprise from the onlookers.

His eyes blazed, a startling brilliant blue that seemed to ensnare everyone's gaze. He caught Shiro's arm in a bone-crushing grip--and squeezed.

"Arrgh!" The boy grunted, hunching in pain. "Let go, you little twerp!" He grimaced, face pale. "Don't you know who I am?"

"T-teacher's coming!" A girl shouted.

Taren turned to the voice. It sounded familiar. 'Was that...Kari?'

As if on cue, the bystanders instantly dispersed. Taren released the boy, who staggered hurriedly away, cradling his arm.

Alone in the hallway, Taren realized he still didn't know where History class was. 'Damn it!' He closed his eyes, rubbing his forehead with his hand, the beginnings of a headache forming. 'This isn't going well at all.'

"Are you alright, Taren-kun?" A soft, hesitant voice inquired.

Taren opened his eyes with a snap. Kari was standing before him. How did he not sense her approach? He must really be falling apart.

There was something odd about her gaze, a look of wonderment perhaps? Then her brows knitted slightly, as if dismissing a thought, or a memory.

"Yeah--I'm alright." Taren nodded, still in a bit of a daze that he was actually talking to her.

Relieved, the girl handed him his glasses, wincing. "It's broken in a couple places. I'm sorry you had to meet someone as awful as Shiro-san on your first day!"

Taren thanked her and stuffed the lenses in his blazer pocket. He was well rid of the thing anyway. "Don't worry, the scum--er, Shiro--won't be bothering us for a while."

Her brown eyes widened at this, before smiling tentatively.

"I'm Kari Miyazaki." To Taren's surprise, she held out her hand. "You can just call me Kari. Most students that aren't from around here don't use 'san' or 'chan' half the time, and I don't really mind."

"Nice to meet you, Kari." Taren smiled happily as he shook her hand. Things are finally looking up.  "We should get going. The teacher might be here any minute."

"Oh, about that," The girl's face suddenly turned beet red. "I just wanted Shiro-san to go away so I--uh--faked it." She grinned sheepishly.

Taren couldn't help but stare at her, amazed. 'Gods, was she always this cute?' 

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