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The large Victorian-style room glittered golden under the lights and the air smelled of expensive perfume. Distinguished guests milled about, dressed in black, formal wear. Kari felt transported into a different world, a world where she didn't belong. Not that she ever wanted to be.

Squaring her shoulders, she held the tray of hors d'oeuvres, slowly wading her way among the sea of guests. The sparkle of jewelry as they picked from the tray and their crystal-clear laughter mingled with the rich ambience of the place.

'Well at least they all seem to be enjoying themselves,' thought Kari, half her attention on making sure she didn't trip on her high heels.

A young man, of about 18 years of age, with unusual amber eyes gazed appreciatively at her as she passed. He didn't take anything from the tray but instead, raised his glass slightly at her with a smile. He was in a small group of similarly attractive-looking guests--his family, maybe?

Cheeks slightly flushed, Kari hurriedly turned away to serve the next group of guests. She quickened her steps, wondering why his appearance reminded her of Taren somehow.

As she crossed to the east side of the ballroom, near the oversized double doors, she stopped, almost dropping her tray. 'Speak of the devil—!'

Taren stood there not ten feet from her, looking very sharp in a black suit, his silver hair catching the light. Standing beside him was a pretty girl with the same amber eyes as the boy earlier. She had her arm around his, talking animatedly.

Feeling warmth suffuse her face, Kari frantically looked away, suddenly unsure of herself. Ignoring the strange ache in her chest, she spotted a group of guests nearby, and started heading in their direction.

'What is he doing here? Is he a guest of Mr. Collins? Wait! Don't tell me he's—' Realization dawning on her, Kari glanced back at Taren across the room-- and saw him looking straight at her.

Taren's bright blue eyes stared at her, a surprised look on his face.

He said something to the girl beside him, politely extricating his arm from her grasp.

'Hold on—wait—don't come here, you silver-haired oaf!' Kari winced inwardly as Taren's long strides quickly closed the gap between them. The least she wanted tonight was to attract any attention! And this boy drew a lot of attention, just by breathing!

"Kari?" Taren asked in a perplexed tone. "What are you doing here? I mean, sorry—of course I know what you're doing—but how did you come to be here?"

'At least I'm not the only one that's flustered.'  Kari thought.

"I—uh—work here? As a part-time gardener, that is. But the head maid was short on staff and so I offered to help out."

"I see."  Taren's brows furrowed, seemingly distracted about something, before shaking his head slightly as if to chase the thought away. 

"You look—good." He let in a breath as his eyes took her in softly. "I mean that the uniform—er—suits you—" His hand flew to his face, flushed and appalled at what he had just said. "Not that I think of you that way! I meant that I think you look great in whatever you choose to wear."

Kari could tell her face right now was red as a beet. "Th-Thanks. You look—good yourself."  That was an understatement, she thought; she'd never met anyone near as attractive as him.

"Taren," a woman's voice called out.

Kari looked over Taren's shoulder at the girl walking gracefully towards them. Her amber eyes flicked murderously at Kari.

A Memory of StarfiresWhere stories live. Discover now