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"How can you not buy anything other than a bracelet?" The tall, pretty girl whined loudly as she walked alongside her friend, shaking her head. "And I had to almost pay for it just to get you to buy it!"

Kari sighed, smiling at Rima's dramatics. "You know I just like to window shop and try things on for fun. Besides" -- she eyed the shopping bags Rima carried in each hand — "most of my time was spent helping you pick all of that stuff!"

"You're hopeless," Rima rolled her eyes, her tone softening. "You should treat yourself to something nice once in a while."

Her best friend had a point, Kari thought. It was just that she didn't need anything at the moment. 'My first paycheck arrives next week.' She mused. 'Should I buy a new dress?'

It was mid-afternoon when the two girls had wrapped up their shopping. Osaka City's commercial district was as busy as ever, with the ongoing celebrations for Golden Week reaching its height. At right about this time a massive float parade coursed along the main streets of the city, and much of the traffic had been diverted to the side roads as a result. The loud cacophony of blaring horns and drums filled the air.

Finally, they arrived at Rima's stop, with the bus pulling in just in time.

"Be sure to wear the bracelet to school next week!" The tall girl reminded her with a smile before stepping into the bus.

"Of course!" Kari waved.

Kari headed to her bus stop four blocks away, having to make a slight detour when she found the intersection she normally took was closed off for the parade. Thankfully, the alley she chose wasn't crowded, with only a few shops on either side.

Upon reaching the end of the alley, the girl waited on the crosswalk of the intersection for the traffic to stop.

Something caught her attention as she looked past the rushing cars. A blurry shadow of a man stood at the end of the crossing, his form fading in and out like a glitchy screen.

'My eyes must be playing tricks on me.'  Kari squinted under the afternoon sun, trying to make out the odd figure. She glanced around, but everyone else appeared normal in her eyes.

The stranger's arm moved slightly and a long, black, tapered object flickered in his hand.

'Is that... a knife?'  The girl tensed as the shadowy form locked his gaze on her.

Someone grabbed her arm from behind.

Without thought, Kari raised her arm, twisting in and out as her upper body moved sideways, breaking free of the stranger's grasp. She stepped forward, hand curling into a fist toward the man's jaw.

The man's hand deftly blocked her fist, inches from his face, his grey eyes wide with surprise.

"Miss Kari -- it's me, Evan Collins."

Kari quickly pulled her hand back. "Mr. Collins?"

She recalled the young man walking out the school doors with Taren a few days ago, but this was the first time she'd seen him up close.

Standing just under 6 feet tall, his short, dark brown hair, steel-grey eyes, and serious expression matched perfectly with the dark, designer business suit he wore— In short, he was intimidating as hell!

'Why is he here?'

Remembering her manners, she quickly bowed her head, "Er— Collins-sama."

'Oh—my—god!'  She cried inwardly, her face turning red with embarrassment. 'Did I just take a swing at my employer?'

* * * * * * * * * *

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