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Kaori Yamada-sensei, principal of Kenshin Academy, frowned beneath her hand at the stocky youth sitting from across her desk. It seems Shiro Hasegawa had been on another fight, but for the first time, he was on the losing end. Cradling his left arm that was encased in a cast, he sat sullenly beside his father, a short, impatient man with thinning gray hair wearing an expensive-looking business suit.

Congressman Hanzo Hasegawa was not a man anyone can refuse a meeting, even when it was late in the day-- especially when it involves his son. More importantly, he was one of the Academy's top financial benefactors. If not for that fact and the backing of the Board of Trustees, Shiro would have been kicked out of this school a long time ago.

But the man demanded he see this boy who had hurt his precious son, and bring his parents along for an accounting— or, in this case, his guardian.

Not that the other party was any less significant. In fact, this new student and his family was not one anyone should be crossing without first considering the consequences. 

The man sitting across to her right was quite young, which surprised her. The few times they had spoken on the phone about his ward's admission to this school, his authoritative voice had sounded older than his years. Mr. Evan Collins, the transfer student's guardian, sat confidently, dressed in an elegant black suit, gray shirt that matched his steel-gray eyes, and a black tie. He seemed not at all perturbed by the current situation. He bowed graciously as she made the introductions a few minutes ago, and even spoke in fluent Japanese!

Yamada-sensei had sent someone to fetch the other, errant boy discreetly, and when that failed (it seemed he was nowhere to be found!) had to resort to using the PA system.

Finally, a knock on the door interrupted the silence.

"Come in!" Principal Yamada said curtly.

A youth with striking silver-white hair entered. His bright blue eyes swept the room and its occupants, wincing slightly as his gaze settled on his guardian.

Yamada-sensei gestured to her right. "Have a seat, Taren-kun."

* * * * * * * *

Taren could feel Evan's eyes, like daggers, boring into him as he took the chair beside the older man.

':How in the world did you get into a fight on your first day of school?:' He heard Evan's incredulous voice in his mind.

The mind-link was so clear that Taren almost jumped from his seat, thinking that Evan had said it out loud. Ever since that day following the ritual of blood and Evan became his Guardian, their telepathic link had become so strong that he could no longer block him from his thoughts. Evan used it sparingly since he knew that Taren hated it, but this only goes to show how upset he was today.

':It wasn't my fault.:' Taren mind-spoke, looking elsewhere but Evan. ':You should know a bully when you see one... And get out of my head.:'

':It doesn't matter who started what. You can't let anyone find out who you truly are!:'

That reminder rankled on Taren and he fell silent. He was so tired of hearing the same thing over and over again.

"I am sure you already know each other, and why you're both here."  Yamada-sensei told the boys dryly, arms on her desk and tenting her fingers.

Taren glanced impassively at Shiro, and it was then he noticed the cast around the other boy's arm and his angry glare. 'Surely, I didn't hurt him that bad enough to break his arm,' he thought. 'Or did I? ... F-ck!' Sighing, he stared up at the ceiling.

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