Four words...

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In the beginning...

When we met, it was a curious day.

I was not in the best of moods - I admit. My sisters had gotten tickets to watch a band - Coldplay or The Kooks or The Killers or one of those silly bands that were hip at the time - and I was forced to join them. Being the only boy, it was my job to look out for them and to make sure everyone was back home safe...even if I didn't want to go to the stupid thing.

It wasn't my kind of music. It wasn't my kind of crowd. I'm an R&B, hip-hop bloke. I'm not singing 'Lights' at the top of my lungs or dancing to 'Naive.'

But alas, I went.

I'm glad I did.

We were in the queue waiting for the entry time. My sisters blabbed about the band, talking about their favourite songs and all of that, while I pretended to listen. I should be more in tune with my surroundings, given I was in the middle of a crowd of devoted fans, but I was annoyed. Not particularly happy to be there in the first place.

"I honestly feel they all sound the same..." I let out. "These bands they're all the same."

My sisters gasped and began arguing with me saying they were unique, had amazing songs, great vibe, but all I could hear was the same argument for any other band out there. Vanilla, boring, generic, same format over and over, overproduced, predictable eras-

"You should give them a shot, you know?"

My train of thought was interrupted by this young, but deep voice. When I turned around, I saw this tall boy - taller than me a bit. With a head full of curls and a pretty smile.

"I have..." I answered after I recuperated from the sudden interruption. "I stand by my statement."

"Well, they might surprise you, then."

"They might." I don't know why, but I was in awe of him. He had this thing about him where he sounded and looked super kind. A unique trade. I don't know why, but I showed him my hand. "Zayn."

He saw it and shook it. Firm grasp, soft hands and one shake.


"Nice to meet you."

"You too."

"You alone?"

I was hoping he'd say he was with his sister or mum.

"Yeah." I was surprised by his independence. He seemed younger. "Mum just dropped me off. You?"

I pointed at my sisters "Chaperoning."

"Ouch..." He responded with a smile. "I hope you enjoy the band. They are cool."

"I'll try."

I thought that was the end of our conversation. Just a polite interaction in a queue waiting to go in. I turned back to my sisters, who had changed the subject to the latest pop culture gossip.

My mind travelled somewhere distant as I people-watched, imagining the stories of the lives of the people around the venue-

"Excuse me..." My train of thought was interrupted again. I turned to see Harry behind with a kind smile and a blush. "What's your seat?"

I fetched my ticket. We were up on the first bleacher, on the right side of the stage, overlooking the band below.

"Section A. Row A. Seat 15. You?"

Harry looked at his ticket and I saw his hands were trembling a little.

"Section A. Row F. Seat 7."

"Oh, we'll be close."

Satellite Stomper and Wild Sunflower [Zarry Stylik AU]©️Where stories live. Discover now