One heart...

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So, with all of this in mind, it's so easy to create judgment. It's easy to identify a villain - in fact, people need a villain.

But, what happens when the two parties fuck up? When they are one-upping the other in a sick competition to see who hurts more? What then?

What if, in the end, we are nothing but silly humans, who don't know any better?

Outside looking in, it was so easy to paint a picture of gaslighting, manipulation and cheating, when we are just two fucking people who got together when they were young and learned to grow into a serious relationship.

When you don't know, is also easy to create a narrative and find a story that better fits your worldview. Humans are odd like that.

Months turned into years, and we became better than who we were. We communicated we expressed our feelings, we gave space when it was needed and pulled tighter when we had to. Something we had never done - these kinds of wise assumptions only come with age.

Even though we hadn't told people we were together, it was visible that they were rooting for either side: Louis stood behind Zayn, rooting for him and protecting him like the good friend he was. Whenever we were out as a group, he'd make sure to be the barrier between Zayn and me - he thought he was doing something, which was commendable.

Always polite to me, of course, and we were still friends, but it was visible how he wanted Zayn to keep away from the pain.

Niall did the same with me, especially because he understood where I came from. However, he wouldn't block the sight of Zayn from me, instead, just gently guide me in the other direction so we wouldn't be close together. It was a nice gesture from them, but it created an obvious rift in our friendship. So Zayn and I agreed to just take turns hanging out with them - that way we could enjoy the full weight of our friends without it being too awkward.

I moved to Zayn's house in the middle of nowhere. I loved it there. My flat became emptier and emptier, as I lost my footing in the noisy city and chose the calm of the countryside. Taking taxis and Uber back and forth was becoming expensive, so I got us a car.

So, we'd take long weekends away from everyone, digging deeper into us and building us up. We - well, I did, really - drove around exploring other towns and villages. We zoomed in on our precious moments. We weren't fighting as hard or at least, we were fighting over normal things: chores, money, who wants to watch what, pineapple on pizza...the good stuff.

And like that, a year went by.

Then another.

And it seemed like we had been together a lifetime already. I was certain. I was calm. And I knew we shared one heart.

Zayn's birthday was coming up and I wanted something special. He wasn't a fan of big birthday bashes - he liked more quiet dinners and just a small group of people. But I, being the rebel that I am, changed the script on him.

I ordered a full-on birthday extravaganza for the house: We would have lights, drinks, music, food and cake! It was the perfect place - the house was so big, with so much space, he deserved a party worthy of himself.

I let him sleep late on that day, while quietly, I went downstairs and opened the door to a group of people that would help me set up. They came after lunch and I told them to be quiet, so it would be a surprise for him.

While the team set up the decoration and handled the food and drinks, I moved upstairs.

I opened the door to the bedroom, finding Zayn snoring softly as he slept. The room was dark, warm and smelling of us.

Satellite Stomper and Wild Sunflower [Zarry Stylik AU]©️Where stories live. Discover now