Slow, steady and calm

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In the back of a taxi, mid-morning, we kissed as if today was our last day. My tongue is on his. My hands on his shirt pulled him close, while he was on my face keeping us tied. The taxi drove us to my house, outside of the busy capital, into the middle of nowhere.

We had the plexiglass partition up, not that it did much for discretion, but it kept the man from hearing our whispered desires.

I was sitting against the backseat, with Harry at my side, all up in my space. We are tied together, latched on to one another like candy to teeth. As if we hadn't made love that morning. As if we hadn't reconnected the night before. We were addicted to the feeling.

Harry would suck on my lips and then bite them gently. He'd kiss my chin, then under it. Low on my sunflower tattoo, smelling me and licking me back up to my lips. I would welcome his kiss, licking his lips and coming between them with gentle sucking. When I kissed him, Harry would let me do it without fighting me much - he wanted to drown in my lips and I would dominate him, as he fell into me with numbed lips.

The driver kept going, eyes on the road, music playing softly, not bothering to look in the rear-view mirror. He just wanted to make some good money - it was a long distance, and he wouldn't work for a few hours that morning or clock out early. I'd make sure to give him an extra tip for his discretion.

I sensed Harry's fingers on the buttons on my jeans, plopping them open.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, looking down.

"Nothing..." He whispered back. I saw him pull my zipper down and pull my cock out over my trousers. I watched the driver, who kept looking forward. I wondered if he could see anything if he turned his head or if Harry's body would serve as cover. Harry looked at me and kissed me. "I want to see you again."

"Harry, we're in a car."

"So?" He grabbed my cock in his hand and began pumping me. I choked a cry, trading eyes between him and the driver. "Just for a moment. You don't even have to finish."

"You're not edging me in the back of a taxi in the middle of the day!"

"Then..." Harry brought his lips close to me. "You're just going to have to cum."

He kissed me again, full of tongue and him. I sank further down the seat, under him, watching his hand on me. Harry's long fingers perfectly wrapped around me, the hand with the cross tattoo moving up and down. I fidget breathing hard as a pleasure wave hits me.

"Shhh..." Harry insisted on looking over his shoulder. "Quiet."

"You're..." I caught another moan before it came. "It's..."

"I know..." Harry watched me with a wild smirk. His hand moved on me fast in broad daylight. "Hold on to me, honey."

"What if he sees us?"

"He's not going to see us."

I hid my face in his neck, feeling his intense perfume. My hand was on his coat, tugging at the collar, pulling him closer as if he wasn't close enough.

I couldn't help it, but a full-on moan escaped my lips and Harry laughed against my ear. "You sound delicious, honey."

"Fuck this..." My hand travelled up his thigh and touched his crotch feeling the bulge under his pants. "Bloody fuck...You're hard, baby."

I massaged him for a bit, feeling his warm breath on my ear. Harry brought his face to mine, nudging his nose against me; I saw his face giving me the wildest of smiles.

Satellite Stomper and Wild Sunflower [Zarry Stylik AU]©️Where stories live. Discover now