1: This is Love

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Bdubs woke up and took a deep breath. He was far too comfortable in his bed, wrapped up in blankets and Doc's arms to want to get up. But, if he wanted to pull off his job, he needed to sooner rather than later. Conveniently, as he decided to sit up, arms held him tighter, preventing him from moving at all.

"Stay in bed longer," Doc groggily urged.

He laughed. "Not like I could move anyway, Mr. Super Strength," he teased, pressing his face right beneath his collarbone.

Doc was clearly pleased with himself as he hummed. And Bdubs didn't mind the excuse to stay in bed longer. Even after a year of living together, he was still yet to grow used to the comfort and safety of each morning. The early sunlight pouring in from the window to the right of the bed trapped him under such an inviting warmth that he'd be willing to stay there all day.

He gave up on all plans to finish his job sooner rather than later and quietly lay with his boyfriend until the hero's alarm went off. In response to the annoying sound, Doc mumbled complaints of incomplete words. Bdubs laughed and peppered his jaw with kisses. "C'mon, I'll get up with you," he encouraged.

"I'd quit my job if I didn't like it so much," Doc muttered as he slowly let go of him and sat up.

Bdubs followed him up, reaching over to fix his bed hair. "What do you want for breakfast?"

His boyfriend gently took his wrist. "No, what do you want? You've been making breakfast for me nearly all week. Let me do it too!" He insisted.

"Fine, fine. Waffles with slices of banana and strawberry then."


"There you are, ma'am," Dynamight cheerfully declared, handing over the zombie her purse and car keys. After some random guy on the street robbed her and stole her car, the hero had simply picked the convertible up and shook him out.

She shook his hand. "Oh, thank you! And thank you for not damaging my car!"

He laughed. "Of course! I know insurance can be a pain." As he waved goodbye and headed off, the police radio clipped to his belt caught his attention.

"...reports of some stolen diadems by Angel. He was last seen around the rooftops of fourth and Knights Crossing..."

Oh, Bdubs, whatever am I going to do with you? He fondly thought before breaking into a run.

Just as he found a building with a fire escape staircase to take him up to the roof, a police car stopped near him. "Hey, Dynamight! Wait a second!"

So he did and found a cop offering a pair of handcuffs. "These are new and stronger than the ones we used last time we got Angel in our custody. We were told to give you a pair if any of us ever ran into you. So here, go get him!" With a light laugh, he shrugged and accepted the gift.

"I'll try my best!" He agreed, stowing them in his utility belt.

As he ascended to the top of the buildings, he didn't think much of them. Sure they were brighter, shiner, and heavier, even if he wanted to apprehend the villain, he knew it'd be a difficult feat.

The last time Bdubs was apprehended by authorities, he broke out within a matter of minutes and never made it to the station.

"Oh sweet Angel, where are you," he quietly sang to himself as he approached the aforementioned area. Closing his organic eye, he scanned the horizon all around him, until he spotted the familiar white outfit.

With a small explosion to boost him, he hopped across buildings until he caught up. He shot a warning explosion nearby, causing the villain to land and hastily turn around. Despite no longer being affiliated with Warlock, he still kept the same costume; a long-sleeve white crop with a red cape hanging off his right shoulder. The left half of his pants was a red skirt and the right half was a white legging. His brunette hair was pulled back into a ponytail and he had a red mask tied around his head. When he wasn't in 'villain mode' the mask was used as a bandana to keep his hair out of his face.

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