Chapter 14: Unexpected Training

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Tommy's POV

I scroll through Twitter, mindlessly looking at the news. I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in."

"Hey it's me Toms!" I look up and smile.

"Hey Phil. What's up?" Phil sighs.

"I was wondering if you could patrol tonight in District 9. I know it's dangerous right now but-"

"I'll do it. I need to get some things off my mind anyway." Phil grins.

"Thanks Toms!" I nod and activate my pin. I jump out the window and run to District 9. 

Ready to clear my mind.

Purpled's POV

"Seems you lost. Honestly get a better Dream mask." I scoff as I take the Styrofoam mask off of the robber's head. I tie the robber off and start flying from roof to roof.

I look at the stars and smile. 

"Come here often?" I roll my eyes.

"WingedInnit you and I both know that answer. I thought nobody was patrolling tonight though."

Tommy shrugged, "I don't know. Want to hang out somewhere?"

"Sure! We could go to the abandoned gym on Sorry Street." Tommy nods, "Then I will take you there!" I start flying as Tommy touches my shoulder to copy my ability.

We walk into the gym as I sigh, "Holy shit what a patrol." Tommy nods.

"Now can you handle big powers?"

"Huh-" I get kicked to the ground by a floating Tommy. "Oh, you're on!"

I start flying and trying to find Tommy's weak spot. Which is hard considering he can have any power he wants. I did get a few good punches in before being defeated.

"Great job." I congratulate.

"I have had the best training though and I am awesome so you were greatly disadvantaged by my greatness! You were really good though."

"Thank Winged-"

"Wait quiet down and hide." He whispers as we go to hide.

"So we rob da jewelry store across da street. Nobody patrolling either?" Two other dudes nod. "Peachy. We will wear dese Dream masks and get some dough." The dude sounded sleezy and a tad drunk.

I look at WingedInnit and we nod at each other before coming out of the hiding spot.

"Oh shit boss! Dose vigilante kids are here!"

"Well stand your ground. We have high pain tolerance."

I roll my eyes, "Let's get them Innit."

Tommy went for the boss as I went for his two goons. They weren't really the best fighters and were sloppy with their punches. I managed to grab both their arms and tie them up with rope. Tommy got the boss around the same time and we fist bumped as we smirked at our work.

"I will contact the police. You go hide out so they don't arrest you." I nod, sad that I wouldn't get credit but it was fine.

I head home and get myself ready for bed. I scroll through Twitter and stop at the trending section.





I smile.

Happy that more people don't see me as just a vigilante.

WingedInnit's POV

"WingedInnit! WingedInnit!" Reporters yell as they swarm me with cameras and microphones.

"WingedInnit is it true you stop these robbers all by yourself." Yourself. Of course not. I shouldn't claim this. I could get in trouble if I mention a vigilante, but that never stopped Phil when I was almost dead on the rooftops.

"No, I was not alone. I was companied by the hero known as Purpled." The reporters roared at the comment, wanting to know more. I wish I had Ranboo's fucking teleportation.

Like a fucking cue Ranboo teleported next me and quickly teleported us away from the reporters.

"Jesus Christ Tommy. Do you realize what you have caused! The heroes will get pissed at you for not catching Grayson!" I roll my eyes as I transform out of my suit.


"SO?!? You will get a lot of shot for this!"

"Oh Ranboo, I was a vigilante. I can handle rock fucking bottom. Just because we are pampered heroes doesn't mean we can forget our roots." Ranboo sighs.

"I guess but we are barely adults, not to mention you are only 17. I just feel like this is too much for us to take for granted Tommy. If we lose this, we will be nothing in a matter of seconds."

"I guess I should take my leave." Ranboo nods and I take his powers to teleport home.

I look in the mirror. I look like a mess. I have heavy bags under my eyes and small scratches from patrolling. I reveal my wings and they looked unkempt. I should get Phil to help me with them soon. I head to my bed and try to fall asleep as thoughts spiral around my mind.

What is Dream's plan?

How is that mercenary involved?

Why did George and Sapnap get targeted?

Does Dream know my identity now?

Did George and Sapnap know all along this would happen?

I sigh in frustration as the questions start turning into voices.

A҉n҉d҉ ҉w҉h҉y҉ ҉w҉o҉n҉'҉t҉ ҉t҉h҉e҉ ҉v҉o҉i҉c҉e҉s҉ ҉e҉v҉e҉r҉ ҉s҉t҉o҉p҉!҉


End of this chapter hopefully you enjoyed! 15 will be a big chapter! Have a great day!

Word Count: 802

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