1K Special

146 11 7

Okay this will be how Tommy found out about Grayson's identity as Purpled. I know we reached 1k a while ago, I just forgot to write and post this. Also this is about right after Nuke and Ender became heroes.

Grayson. Tommy has always felt like there was something off about that dude. Maybe even more off than him being a 15-year-old assistant for them.

"Here is your latte WingedInnit!"

"Thanks Grayson."

"Also there was a call addressed to you. It was about Jester needing you for something." Tommy sighed. He enjoyed working at Las Nevadas, it was just difficult trying to handle two different jobs. 

"Okay thank you Grayson. You can have the rest of the day off."

"I don't think you will be allowed to give me that-"

"Chill. I can and I will. You will also get normal hour pay. "

"Thanks WingedInnit!"


Tommy cleaned another glass so he could serve somebody whiskey.

"Hey Tommy from District 9!"

"Hey Slime." (Just think. He is dead now in this story :) got shot dead) Tommy greeted, "Do you need something?"

"Yes! Quackity has requested to see you in his office! Sounded urgent! I will take your place for a little bit!"

"Okay thanks Charlie!" Tommy rushed to the office, out of breath.

"Quackity what's wrong-" Tommy's eyes widened at the purple vigilante sitting in the office chair.

"Ah WingedInnit-"

"QUACKITY! What the fuck! Don't give my identity away!"

"Chill Tommy, I already knew it was you. I guess I should reveal mine now too." Purpled took off his hood to reveal that it was Grayson all along.

"I knew something was off with you. How old are you?"


Tommy chuckled, "Sounds about right. Now why are you here."

"I need your help. I got into a fight with a gang, and they followed me here. If I leave, they will probably kill me. There is at least 50 of them!" Tommy sighed.

"Okay I have an idea. Quackity do you think you can morph into Grayson here?"

Quackity nodded and Tommy started discussing the plan.


Purpled put his hands up. He sighed as he looked at the gang members grin at him, "I surrender."

"Good, serves you right. Little rascal... though since you made us wait... I should give you a lesson."

Purpled looked at them, blurry faced. That wasn't Purpled, but it was already too late as Charlire, Tommy, and Grayson ambushed them and started being the shit out of them. Quackity transformed back to normal and joined in.

"Fuck yeah! Thank you WingedInnit." 

"Anything to help a civilian." Tommy smirked. Quackity was calling security to dispose of the gang members on his property.

Grayson was finally happy that Tommy knew his secret.


"Hey WingedInnit. Hey Grayson." Nuke greeted as he unpacked stuff.

"Tubbo I would like to introduce you to Purpled. I feel like he will be a valuable asset to the community and that we should prevent this building to figure out his identity."

Tubbo facepalms, "Fuck Tommy, why do you have to reveal my identity like that!"

"Because I can. Now I was thinking you could get some tech for him."

"Yeah, I can. I will have it done by next week. Now go bother Ender."

Tommy raced down the hall to the tall hero, "Boob! Meet Purpled. He is with us now!"

Grayson couldn't help but laugh on how bizarre his situation was. I mean with the top hero and the two newest recruits knowing his identity and being friends with him.

How bizarre.

Word Count: 559

WingedInnit - the sequel to BigInnitWhere stories live. Discover now