Chapter 2

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We walk down the street. Drinking our coffees. "You do realize this is a collage town, right?" Six comments,

"This is where the trail lead." I respond, drinking my black coffee. Just then a door to an Internet cafe opens. We step inside. I sit down at a computer and get to work.

"Think we can save him? I mean you tried with two and couldn't."

"I do not know." I keep typing. Paradise. Fuck. Is him and his cépean some kind of idiots. "We have a small problem."

"What is it?" She asks, leaning forward on the table.

"They are in paridise." She gives me a confused look. "It is one of the places that my people keep watch on, because one of the greeters lived their." Greeters they helped adjust the gaurd. They're all dead now.

"How far?"

"According to this about an hour and a half. If we speed on the dirt roads less."

"Alright let's go." We both get out of our seats. Six spins the keys in her hand as she shoves it into the ignition of the old beat up junkyard car. She speeds when she can. Her nuckles white the whole time. When we make it to the school it's already under attack. We get out of the car. She takes my hand turning us invisible. We step inside the school. We both grab blaster from downed mogs. It's not hard to find them. Just follow the line of deranged aliens and there they are. We step into the classroom. Three kids are already in the room.

"Which one of you are four?" I ask, stronger then I meant to. A boy with messy blond hair raises his hand.

Six glares at me. "I'm six. This is alex. They're on our side." I slowly begin to bring the water out of the air.

"Have you ever created a storm inside before?" I ask her, as a ball of water begins to form in my hand.

"No, and I'm not trying It." She sounds like a mom telling her kid no.

"Suit your self. Six turn them invisible and take them to a safe place. I will go in front. Follow me." She nods her head and does just that. They all link hands. Once she turns them invisible I open the door. They come rushing in. I spray them with water and shoot them at the same time. It works well. They either turn to ash or step back in shock. I take that as my cue. I run throw them. I hope the others are behind me. On my way out one of the mogs knock my sunglasses to the floor. I know they broke on impact. I uppercut him in the jaw. He pins me against the wall. I reach down in the waist band of my jeans and pull out a knife. I stab him in the stomach. Turning him to ash. Then they all start shooting. I take cover inside a room. There are two people already there. The man with greying hair pulls his rifle on me. Before he has a chance to shoot six appears.

"Don't shoot. They're one of us." She says, with that I jerk the rifle out of his hands with my telicons and threw it to the other side of the room. It hits a wall, and clatters to the floor. He looks at me confused.

"My father was loric my mother mogadorien. My glasses got broke on the way here. My name is Alexio Sutekh. Alex for short." I exsplain,

"Im number six." She says, as way of introducing herself.

Then it dawns on me. "You just broke the charm!" I yell,

"I know." She responds, I shake my head as I put my knife back in my jeans.

"What's the plan?" Four asks,

"To stay locked up surrounded by my people until they break in here and kill us all." Six glares at me again. "The plan is do not die."

"Great plan." The old man says, he walks over to the other side of the room and picks up his rifle.

"The second we get out of here they are going to be on top of us. I say we try to sidetrack them as the humans escape. We do not need any civilians causalities." I say,

"She's right. I'll get Sarah and Sam out of here." The boy with black hair says,

"It is they." I correct him. He nods.

"No way! I'm staying." The boy in the NASA t shirt who I assume is Sam says, I pull out my sword. The one my father gave me when I came of age, and hand it to him.

"Fine, but take this, and do not lose it. I do not feel like killing any humans today." They all stare at me. Then they bust through the doors. The black hair guy grabs the chest, and we run. Sam uses my sword and is good with it. We make it into the woods. The old man is killed. Four burned his body. I also had to stitch four up when they stabbed him. Today is the day we run. We're now hotel hopping.

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