Chapter 7

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I wake up shaking. I can feel the sweat on my forehead. I look down to see nine asleep on my chest. So it wasn't a dream. "Nine." I mutter, he stirs and sits up looking at me. He places a hand on my forehead.

"How are you?" He asks, flipping over my wrists and looking at them. I sit up.

"I am fine."

"Why did you do it?" I don't answer. I don't know how. I could tell the truth, but it would only hurt him.

"I did not mean to hurt you."

He slams his fist down on the bed, and I can see the hurt and pain in his eyes. I can also see tears beginning to well up. "You did. You scared me. I've seen everyone I've ever loved killed. I can't see you die as well. If something were to happen to you I don't think I'd be able to live with myself." I can see a tear escape his eye. I pull him into a weak hug. I can feel his tears run down the back of my neck. His body shaking from the sobs that he's trying to keep silent.

"I did not mean to hurt you." I repeat in his ear.

"You almost died." I can hear the tears in his voice.

"But I did not." Sadly. I would have stayed locked in my room if my mind didn't drift to him. He's saved me twice now.

"Why?" He asks again threw his sobs.

"I am a monster, and all monsters deserve to die."

"Then I'm one too." With that he pulls away. "I'm going to run some water. Don't do anything stupid." He gets up and walks into the bathroom. I hear him cut on the water. I slowly get out of bed. I walk in there with shaky legs and end up having to lean against the wall. I can't do this. I see him walk out of the bathroom and run over to me. He puts an arm under mine and helps me to the bathroom. He sits me on the toilet. And then disappears back into the room. When he comes back he has a bundle of clothes in his arms as well as some gaze and other medical things. He stands next to me and unwarps my wrists. "Let me know if it hurts."

"Thank you doctor." He rolls his eyes, but I can tell he's bitting back a smile. The stitches are uneven but it works well enough to hold my skin together.

"Come on." He says, as he helps me undress. I suddenly feel unsecured with all the scars I have all over my body. Especially on my back and chest from all the times I would somehow disappoint my people. Most of them are from training with Ivan though. I watch his eyes scan my body. He takes one of his fingers and run it down the scar that stars at shoulder and crosses all the way to my hip. "What happened?" His voice sounds weak. I don't answer. I don't want to hurt him anymore. I try to stand up but almost collapses. He catches me and helps me in the tub. I rest my head against the wall. He gets down on his knees and brings water up on me with his hands. "Close your eyes and hold your breath." He says, so I do. I feel him gently lower me into the water then back into the air. He wipes my eyes with a towel, and then puts some soup in my hair repeating the process. He lets me get dressed on my own. I stumble out of the bathroom to see him sitting on the edge of the bed. "Go get some rest. You need it." He then helps me into bed and pull a blanket over me. I pull him into my arms and then allow myself to go to sleep.

Nines pov

They pinned me against them again, but at least they're sleeping. Me on the other hand is hoping that four doesn't walk in. The I hear the door open. Four pops his head in. He walks over to us. He gives me a look. "They keep pulling me on top of them." He shakes his head.

"How's Alex doing?"

"Well they just took a bath, and then I made them go to sleep." I left out the part about me helping them because I don't want four getting any ideas.

"That's not what I meant."

"Alex won't tell me anything, buts trying to do everything on their own."

"Ok so getting back to normal."

"I don't think it's going to be that simple." He doesn't respond. He leaves closing the door behind him. I wonder what happened to Alex? What's with all the scars? Why are they so protective over me? Don't get me wrong I enjoy there arms around me. I find it comforting, but to be doing that even when they're like this isn't right. It's almost like they're afraid I'll leave them. After about an hour I get up, and head to the kitchen. I return with two glasses of water. One for me and one for them when they wake up. When I return they look panicked. I sit the glasses down on the table and sit next to them. Pulling them into my arms which I can tell they don't like.

"I thought you left." Alex says, still slightly panicked.

"No, I was just getting water." I feel them shaking in my arms. Their heart beat is way up. Now probably isn't the time but I ask anyway. "What happened to you?"

"I meet the devil, and I somehow manged to survive him. I wish i didn't. I wish he would have just killed me. Because of him I have lost Adam. Because of him I have lost everyone. When you left I thought you were gone too." Their answer scares me.

"Well the only way that's going to happen is if they're going to kill me."

"You are not invicavle nine."

"No, but I do t plan on dying without killing their warlord of a leader first."

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