Chapter 8

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Once he settles me down I go back to sleep. He's still in my arms. It scared me so bad when I woke up and he wasn't there. Is that what it felt like when I split my wrists? I feel bad that I did that to him. When I wake up he's laying next to me watching me. "How are you?"

"Better." I try to sit up, but do so very shakily.

"You need to eat." He has a point. I don't think I've ate a thing since I cut myself. I stand up and with his help we make our way into the kitchen. I sit down on one of the stools and he makes two sandwiches. He sits down next to me and we eat. "The scars. What are they from?"

"Every mistake I ever made." Why must this boy be so persistent? I can see the worry in his eyes. I still feel bad about almost choking him in his sleep. I take my hand and run it over the side of his face. He stiffens for a second before realizing that I'm not going to hurt him. My thumb rubs small circles on his cheek. My fingers slowly getting tangled in his hair as I stare into those eyes of his. They aren't cold like when we first met now they're filled with the same emotions since we got here. Fear and pain. "What happened?" I whisper,

He looks down and then takes my hand away from his face studying it. Tracing it. "I killed my cêpean because of your people. I saw Maddie, a girl I was in love with, her eaten by one of your bests when she was reunited with her family. This place just brings back all kinds of memories." Now I feel bad. For both asking and for all of this. Not like it's my fault anyway. I take my other hand and place it on top of his. He stops turning my hand over and tracing it. He looks at me.

"You have me and four and soon the others will come. You can make new memories. You can make this place good again." I doubt that he can, but he needs something to lift his spirits. We all do. I see a small glit of hope in his eyes.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right." We both begin to move closer but then four walks in and we both pull apart. I can feel my face burning from embarrassment or possibly blush. It's hard to tell. I get up and place my dish in the dishwasher. I feel a little more sturdy now. I sit back in my seat and four sits on the other side of nine.

"Do you happen to have anything that will plug into this?" He asks, showing nine the triangular plug on the tablet we got from paradise.

"I don't know. Sandor has some boxes in the suvalence room that's a bunch of junk he found. It might be something in there." Nine suggests. I stand up. No longer shaking.

"Where is it?" I ask, he gets up and walks us to a small room filed with a desk, a rolley chair, three computer screens, and boxes. Nine passes four a box. I sit at the computers and start looking for things. Anything that could alert the mogs to our location. I scan everything. Conspiracy theories, news articles, blogs, social media that sort of thing. I don't find anything too out of the ordinary. I feel at him sitting back at a computer.

"Found it!" I hear nine yell, I look behind me to see him plugging it into a wall. I go back to my screens. I keep typing. I keep searching. I'd love nothing more than to hack into the mog data base, but it's too risky. Even if I redirect every thing through other networks making it impossible for them to track them. But I know how they operate. They would still mange to find us. So I stick to the local things. I look to see if I can find anything on seven. Nothing besides a fight in Spain, and a scuffle over in the Himalayas.

Nines pov

Four went to bed an hour ago. I walk into the surveillance room looking for Alex. The only light is coming from the monitors. I see them leaning over the computers typing something in them. Their hair that's starting to cover their neck is all pushed to the back instead of the back and the sides. I can't see their face, but I can tell they're focused. I slowly walk up behind them. Careful not to startle them. I don't want to be but in a choke hold again. I then wrap my arms around their neck. They stiffen at my contact. "Hey." I whisper, Alex takes one of their hands and place it on mine. It's cold. I don't understand how. Did they stick it in the freezer or something? They turn their head and look at me. They look tired.


"Find anything?"

"No, just a fight in Spain and the Himalayas, but there is nothing on either of them." They begin to rub small shapes on my hand. I never thought a mog could be this comparisonet or that I would fall in love with one. Half loric or not.

"Could it be one of us?"

"I do not think so, but it is a possibility." With that they begin to turn off the monitors. "I will check again tomorrow." I remove my arms and they stand up. They walk over to me and gently touch my face with their hand again. Sending shivers down my spine. Then they wrap their arms around my neck and kiss me. It's rough but passionate. They break it. "We should go to bed." So we do.

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