~The Concert~

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Life had been great.

The boys come over to my house sometimes and sometimes we go to Eddie's.

It was a bit embarrassing to actually meet Eddie's uncle because the last time he had saw us was us in Eddie's bed.




"Jeez Eddie what if he doesn't like me?" I say playing with the end of my dress as Eddie drives us to his house.

I was wearing Eddie's leather jacket and a black dress.

"I think your over reacting darling" Eddie softly laughs

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"I think your over reacting darling" Eddie softly laughs.

"Yeah y/n I don't think you need to worry about that, also if anything he won't like me" Steve sighs.

"Eddie the last time your uncle saw us we were all in the nude" I say turning my body toward Eddie.

"So? I think you two are super over reacting my uncle will be thrilled I'm dating two of the most smartest people in school" Eddie says.

"That's not true" me and Steve huff.

We then pull in.

"Everything will be fine you two" Eddie says.

He kisses both of our heads and we get out.

~flashback over~

Eddie's uncle ending up really liking me and Steve. He was so nice to us and according to Eddie loves us.

It was amazing.

I put my books into my locker and hear Steve walk behind me.

"Jesus if I have to write another essay for reading I'm gonna jump off a bridge" Steve grumbles laying against the locker.

"Aw everything is going to be okay! I can help if you need" I smile and kiss his head.

"Hey you two" I turn around to see Eddie.

"My band got the gig that we wanted, it's going to be awesome" he's says smiling happily.

He then hands me and Steve a flyer with all the information.

"Awww babe that sounds so fun!" I smile and I hug Eddie.

"You two can come right?" He asked.

"Of course!" I smile.

"No way I would miss this!" Steve says

Eddie's Girl? Or Steve's girl?  [Eddie Munson and Steven Harrington x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now