Chapter 9 - The Cafeteria Conundrum (1)

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 "What do we want?" A student standing on a table yells.

"The muffins!" A crowd of students chant.

"When do we want it?"

"The muffins!"

The chanting of the students echoes throughout Starlight High's cafeteria as Ronnie tries to snake his way through all the pandemonium. He passes by Zesti Champion, the only teacher on lunch duty that day, who is being yelled at by several angry teens.

"Where are they?!" A student yells.

"I don't know, just please sit down!" Zesti tries to yell, "We're getting a shipment of them in 30 minutes!"

"30 minutes?! But our lunch period will be over by then!" A student shouts.

Ronnie continues onward and sees a person sobbing hysterically on the ground.

"THEY'RE GONE!!!" the student wails.

Ronnie continues walking forward and sees Alex Smith contemplating whether or not X Locke should be placed into the nearby trash can.

Finally, Ronnie manages to spot a table with a student sitting there who isn't completely insane.

As Ronnie sits down across from them, he sees that it's none other than Elizabeth Moore.

"Yo Eli," Ronnie asks as he leans towards her, "do you know what the fuck is going on?"

Startled, Elizabeth responds, "Oh- uh- I don't know, I think they're out of some muffins or something. Also d-do you mind just calling me Elizabeth?"

"Oh yeah sure, sorry about that Elizabeth," Ronnie replies as he takes out his paper bag lunch, "Man, I haven't had school cafeteria food in years. Is it really that good?"

"That 'good'?" someone remarks.

Elizabeth & Ronnie turn to see that standing next to them is a short chubby freshman with white skin, gelled-up dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a ton of freckles. He's also wearing a red t-shirt, blue jeans, and red sandals.

"Those muffins aren't just good," the freshman remarks, "They're great!"

Elizabeth is confused about who this is but Ronnie's eyes flicker with recognition.

"Oh, Hamster! How's it going, man?" Ronnie remarks, "I didn't know you were in this lunch period."

"Hey Ronnie," Harry 'Hamster' Martin sighs, "Sorry for that outburst earlier, I just haven't been the same since they got rid of the muffins."

"Didn't that just happen today?" Elizabeth questions.

"Yeah," Hamster sighs, "I already know I'll never be the same ever again."

"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll have it tomorrow," Ronnie reassures Hamster before turning his attention back to Elizabeth, "He's one of my classmates, Hamster."

"Hamster?" Elizabeth questions.

"Yeah, everyone calls him that since he's always with Bennet."

"Who's Bennet?" Elizabeth asks.

Before Ronnie can respond, the two hear some squeaking coming from Hamster's head, Elizabeth looks closely at Hamster before realizing that a pet hamster is resting in Hamster's hair.

"That's Bennet," Ronnie states, "I bet he's trying to cheer up Hamster since they don't have any more muffins, aren't you Bennet?"

Bennet nods.

"Well glad to see you still have your head on straight Bennet, though I guess that's because hamsters can't eat those muffins...I think," Ronnie ponders.

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