S2 Chapter 18 - One Helluva Homecoming (Epilogue)

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Author's Note ~ We're now 100 chapters in so I hope you guys have been having fun with this series! If you guys have any thoughts about this series (positive, negative, or stuff you'd like to see in the future) feel free to leave them in the comments down below! Now then, time for the next set of Sun Shorts!

SUN SHORT #1 - Seeing You More Often

As the homecoming is coming to an end, Mesto and Ivory are walking out of the building, both holding each other's hand.

"I'll see you around more often y'know," Ivory says.

"I figured since we're now dating and everything," Mesto replies.

"I didn't mean just that," Ivory remarks, "Did Garcia not tell you?"

"Not tell me what?" Mesto questions.

"I got a job at Burrito Bistro as a delivery driver," Ivory explains before she kisses Mesto on the cheek, "I'll see you tomorrow hon'!"

As Ivory walks away, Mesto stands there stunned for a second before he begins to blush some more.

SUN SHORT #2 - Cleaning Up The Homecoming

Late in the evening, the homecoming dance has finally come to an end with the once-packed banquet hall now being almost empty. The only people left in there are Aken Amnestor, who got the short end of the stick when it came to which faculty would close up the place, and two people that Amnestor hired to help clean up.

"Sorry that you guys had to come over here on such short notice," Amnestor explains.

"It's no problem, Mister Amnestor!" One of the cleaners remarks, "Whether it's cleaning up after a bunch of reckless teens without notice, walking your pets, or even writing up a cover letter for you that nobody will read! There's nothing we won't do as long as you pay us, that's our motto!"

The person who shouted at that sales pitch is a member of the group 'The Three Ts', Timothy McGee. Tim has blonde hair split down the middle, blue eyes, freckles, and white skin. He's also wearing a green janitor uniform.

The other cleaner there is the second member of 'The Three Ts', Thomas Dolby. Tom has dark skin, a poofy black afro, a tall muscular body, and blue eyes with round glasses over them. He's also wearing a similar green janitor uniform.

"Kinda weird to see a homecoming dance though," Tom admits, "Never really had a chance to go to one of these."

Hearing that Amnestor says, "You know there's actually another reason why I called you guys to help."

"Oh really and what's that?" Tim grins.

"You need help with talking to the Misses?" Tom jokes.

"I was chatting with Griffon the other day and he told me you guys knew something about this guy or something," Amnestor begins to say.

"Oh really, and who would that be?" Tom laughs.

"Someone going by the alias of 'The Phantom'," Amnestor answers, "I know it sounds like a silly name but he said you heard about them-"

Amnestor falls silent as he sees the expressions on the other two's faces. What just a few seconds ago were jovial and smiling faces were now something different. They were cold. Their eyes piercing through Amnestor's very soul causing him to break out into a cold sweat.

"The Phantom, huh?" Tim hisses.

"Haven't heard that name in a long time," Tom sighs, "And I wished it remained that way."

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