Chapter 25 - A Tale of Two Best Friends (4)

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 A few days after Marcus distanced himself from Ronnie, the two end up finding themselves walking on opposite ends of the hallway at the middle school. Ronnie goes to wave at Marcus but Marcus just ignores him. However as he passes by, a book falls out of Marcus' backpack.

Ronnie goes to pick it up but once he does, he lost sight of Marcus.

"Guess I'll go ask a teacher," Ronnie laments as he walks over to the main office.

Inside a classroom, Marcus is sitting at his desk waiting for the class to start. However as he is waiting, he feels a pair of hands grab onto him and toss him to the ground.

"That day started out with the same shit that happened every day..."

Marcus looks up to see Hunter standing over him, wielding a metal baseball bat. Marcus flinches as he sees the bat. However, he drops the bat in favor of just punching Marcus repeatedly.

"Hunter would come and attack me. All the while, everyone else in the room..."

As Marcus is getting beaten, he glances around the room to see other students either laughing or just ignoring what was happening.

"Would still treat me as a part of the background."

After several seconds of slamming his fist down onto Marcus, Hunter gets up to catch his breath, as he does so he looks down at Marcus. Marcus struggles to try and get up but Hunter pushes him down with his foot.

"Buddy I don't get it, why are you trying to get up? You know I'm just going to hit you some more if you do," Hunter teases.

"I just...I just want to get this over with," Marcus says.

Hearing those words, Hunter grabs a hold of the metal baseball bat and lifts it up.

"Well then if you're so insistent," Hunter remarks.

As Marcus closes his eyes and Hunter begins to swing the bat down, the door to the classroom opens and Hunter stops.

"However, that day it was different. Something I never thought would happen did."

Marcus, confused, opens his eyes to see that the person who just entered the classroom was Ronnie Everst.

"R-Ronnie?" Marcus questions, "Why are you here?"

Ronnie's eyes are wide as he sets the book he came to deliver down on a desk. Hunter makes his way over to Ronnie.

"Oi, what's got you up in a twist?" Hunter mockingly asks.

"My two best friends..."

The once motionless Ronnie doesn't respond verbally to Hunter for a bit, though once he finally finishes soaking in everything that's been going on, his hands begin to curl up into fists.

"I'm only telling you this once," Ronnie utters trying to contain his furious rage, "Back. Off."

"Were about to fight."

"Oh sure sure," Hunter says as he begins to walk away.

However, with a sudden twist of his foot, Hunter spins around and slams the metal baseball bat into the side of Ronnie's head.

"You fucking dumbass," Hunter cackles, "You think playing hero is gonna do you any good when you can't fight?"

"I gave you your chance."

Hunter's smug grin quickly vanishes as he realizes Ronnie managed to lift his hand and catch the baseball bat just in time before it made full contact with his head. However, the part that did manage to crack open his skin a bit as a bit of blood begins to slowly drip down his face

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