Episode 18

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I sit on a brown wooden chair. The chair is hanging in the air. The walls,ceiling and the floor of the room are all black. There are fireflies around to light the room.
Teena and Mr. Carter sits in front of me on the similar chair. They are hanging in the air too.

"What the heck! ", I scream.

"Calm down Aura", Mr Carter says.


"Why am I hanging in the middle of the air? "

"So that you don't try to run away before we are done"

"What the heck are you gonna do? ", I scream even louder.

"Stay quiet. Calm down. We just have a few things to tell you and you are free"

"No. I don't wanna listen to any of your things. Just leave me", I scream again.

"Shut up ", Mr. Carter shouts. "Don't you dare to say one more word" He raises his finger at me.

His eyes turn red with anger. he takes a deep breath and continues. "Listen. We mean no harm to you. We have some truths to tell you. Stay quiet and pay attention "

I stay stunned. My throat dries up. Chills run down my spine.

"Okay", I say in a low tone.

"Better", he says. "Teena, will you please "

"Sure", Teena nods. "Candace", she looks straight in my eyes. "Your name is Aura, Aura Mickelson. You lost your memory...."

"I know. I don't remember anything. How do you know? I never told about this to anyone except Kabir", I pause and take a breath. "You guys know me? Are you my relatives? friends?", I raise my voice a little.

"Listen Aura I am here to answer all the questions you have just listen to what I have to say, okay? "
"okay", I nod.

"You lost your memory in an accident "

"Yeah, it was a plane crash"

Mr. Carter snaps his fingers and suddenly my mouth is sealed. My voice is gone. I can't speak.
I frown at him.
He smirks.

"better " , Teena takes breath of relief.

Aura, you lost your memory in an accident but it was not a normal Plane Crash. While we were taking a test drive of the time tunnel something went wrong and we crashed into that plane. For some reason you remained in the crashed plane. After a while I and Mr. Black were back to the laboratory. After an investigation we found out the tunnel's path crossed with the plane's path and that why the accident took place The tunnel was broken. It needed to be fixed. And I needed to get that done quickly because I needed to find you. It took me almost 100 years to find you. I was so furious and desperate to find you. And when I found you I got to know you have lost your memory. I had to do something. I wanted to bring your memory back. and I knew that telling you things directly won't work. I had to play pretend. I wanted to trigger your memory. You love painting, I called your boss and hired you to paint. I bought the palace, our palace where we used to live in our era. I intentionally kept the paintings of me in the dinning hall. I thought seeing me in the painting will remind you of me. I tried to trigger your memory with lavender but instead it triggered Kabir's allergy. That day I cried because I was sure lavender will bring back all the memories because you loved lavender so much. We have a huge field full of only lavender.
Teena sat beside me consoling me when you got up to check if Kabir was done with the doctor.
I tried to paint with you to remind you of the times we used to paint together. I sent Teena to work in your company. We compelled George to let her work with you, to take care of you and keep an eye on you. But you misunderstood us. Teena is my sister. You guys are best friends.
One day after we finished painting together you hugged me out of happiness. I knew you had fallen for me again but you haven't got back your memory.
All the time I was convincing myself that this time will pass and I had to have Teena with me. After Mr. Black's accident, she was the only person I could trust.
That night when I insisted on painting with you but you refused. All of a sudden it triggered your memory of magic. We sorcerers have two memories. memory of life and memory of magic. that day I saw the ray of hope. But you were so scared that you hurt me and I had to shut everything around and you too.
But Teena figured out, you didn't get your memory. I was shattered. I was so depressed. And some days later Mr. Black passed away. That day Teena and I were in my cabin and opened the door to witness us two hugging each other. That day I reached threshold. My most trusted companion was dead, my love had misunderstood me and I could find no way to bring back your memory. Teena held me back. she told me that you should be left alone for sometime. and I should figure out things with calm mind.
After all the analysis we found out somebody is trying to make things worse for me. Somebody doesn't want you to get close to me. It was My new assistant. I got to know he told you that I ordered to repaint the walls with colours. It made you angry and blended well with your misunderstanding that me and Teena are together. It obviously drew you away from me. Next, he abducted you and told you that I did it. They killed Kabir, the only trustworthy friend in this situation you had. Matter was getting messier day by day. We didn't want it to get worse. Teena suggested we should tell you now or only God knows what will happen next.

I sit there in shock. Hearing everything what Mr. Carter just tell was like listening to a fairytale plus undercover agent's story.
I could not believe my ears. My life was lie. Everything was planned. It's a perfect story. MY LIFE IS A PERFECT LIE.

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