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Minho just stare at taehyung who was laying on the hospital bed, and looked at the watch its the time 5.30 pm. May be taehyung's husband is waiting for him Minho sighed, this wasn't his expectation. Taehyung will ask further information about it and try to understand him and at the end he will come to his as with his baby girl and they will start a new life with him

But taehyung's reaction wasn't good for him. The truth made his taehyung unconscious with in a second, then what will happen when taehyung's husband knows about it? Will he try to fight with him? Or they will try to hide his daughter? Then he will sure move steps with law, he will win his taehyung and his baby .

He saw taehyung's eyes slightly opening and his eyes squint because of the light then he saw Minho was looking at him with such concerns then suddenly reality hit him hardly, the man Infront of him saying himself he is the father of areum who is seeing herself as jk's biological daughter this can't be happen his family will broke, at least not in this situation

"Tae how are you? Feels better?" Minho asked so softly made taehyung looked at him without emotions

"What's the time?" Taehyung asked

"Oh it's 5.30 already" he said and saw taehyung hurriedly walking up from the bed suddenly Minho asked

"Tae what happened?"

"I want to go home my husband and my daughter must be waiting for me" he said and took his jacket which was on the bed

"Let me drop you Tae" Minho said now taehyung wanted to go home as soon as possible so he didn't protested they left to Jeon mansion.

Minho stopped the car Infront of the Jeon mansion, he looked at taehyung who was deep in his thoughts, Minho sighed nth time before he could ask further taehyung just get out the car instantly made Minho sad may be a little bit

But with taehyung who wasn't able to think straightforward now it's all about his family's happiness in this situation jk and also areum will be broke again.....but in this time because of him
He don't want it to be happen

Taehyung made his way to his room, he just sat down on the bed without giving any attention to surroundings, jk just took a bath and came out the bathroom with a towel securing around his naval area. He saw his wife sitting there and he wasn't giving any attention to him.

"Baby?" He called softly. But taehyung's reaction wasn't able to read he shook taehyung's shoulder softly earning his attention

"O-oh hubby" he called jk just nodded his head and smiled at him

"What are you thinking so deeply hm?" He asked taehyung looked at him his doe eyes where watching him this is the day jk is talking nicely to him ..

"Huh nothing just" taehyung broken the eye contact with him, jk frowned little bit, he shrugged and sit beside of him and placed his hand on taehyung's thighs who took a shaky breathe

"Baby...I know I was being a shit head to you in these days, it's because of the stress Don't be mad at me baby, I'm so dump like you say always. Please don't be mad at hubby petal please?" He asked with his soft tone which taehyung always loved the most

"I-its okay hubby....I'm not mad at you anyways" taehyung yet whispered that enough to hear to jk clearly....jk leaned forward to him he looked at taehyung who was looking at him so deeply which he couldn't find anything but afraid of something jk frowned

"Are you okay baby?" He asked with his soft tone that always makes taehyung happy but this time taehyung just nodded with his head and smiled at his husband

"Where is sweet?" Taehyung asked

"She is sleeping baby....she was asking for you then and she said she is so tired she wanted to sleep so she did" jk said

Jk couldn't felt anything good about taehyung's silence, he thought that due to his behaviour taehyung changed like this. He rubbed his thump on taehyung's cheek bone...who looked at jk

"I'm sorry baby.... please forgive me " he softly whispered while coming closer to taehyung who closed his eyes when their foreheads touched....

"I love you hubby...."

"I love you more petal"

Alwin coughed when the smoke hit directly to his nose. He looked at the cooking pan which already in mess, he sighed nth time...

"Oh god have mercy on me please...." He coughed again.

"I should find a boy who cooks well and also take care of me well soon..." He sighed and said him self. Suddenly his phone bussed he looked at the phone it's was his hyung....

"Hyung?" He answered

"Come to my office haneul" he said and cut the phone immediately which made Alwin frowned
He undone his apron strings and placed on the table near to him and left to meet his hyung

Jk continued to watch the man Infront of him who was looking at him with the same smile which kept on years.....the father figure of his life...his min uncle

"Bunny?" The man called sweetly

"Yes uncle" he answered made min frown a little bit more

"Why did you called me here son?" He asked

Jk sighed and stood up from his chair and slowly walked towards the man Infront of him.

"Years ago, my parents got into a accident and my brother was killed by some random mafias, that time I was the one who experienced everything with out anyone in my life...

Everyone told me that it's the fate so don't worry about it....I did, I did a lot but I couldn't. Then you came to my life when your family was forcing you to stay with them....but you chooses me over them right uncle?" He asked made min smile and nodded his head.

"Then why can't you see haneul like me?" He asked while taking the file from the mini table watching min

"H-he I love him bunny...but not more than you" he said caused jk chuckled softly

"Why can't you love him like me uncle?" He again asked

"I told you I can't love him more than you." He said and looked at somewhere

"Ops because he don't have money right uncle?" Min frowned jk adjusted his sleeves and looked at him

"What are you saying bunny? I don't love you for the money! And I couldn't love him like you because he is not a Jeon that's it!" He said jk chuckled and suddenly he grabbed min by his hands of the chair made min shocked

"Then tell me that how much you love me?"

Min again frown at jk suddenly jk spoken

"Asked you something uncle!" He yelled this time made min shocked yet mad at him....

"More than anything else in the world" he answered

"What are you doing Bunny? I'm your uncle what's with your attitude change?" Min shockingly asked this made jk grit his teeth more...

"How can I love someone like you who raped my child and killed those kids without mercy huh!!!!?" Jk yelled out by grabbing min's collar who's eyes got bigger than usual....

Author Kim
I'm sorry many shits happening with me right now that's why I couldn't update these days ....

I'm sorry...

Love youuuuuuuuuuuu
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