Chapter 1 // The Reverse

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Like anything bad happening in MK’s life at the worst possible moment, it's Yin’s fault.

Or Jin.

Because in the chaos of them tossing the artifacts they were stealing from the new museum, MK’s not sure who made the mistake.

He only knows that Macaque ended up somewhere in the mess.

(It’s easy to spot the hooded figure among the crowd.

Slipping away from Tang and Mei, MK disregards every single warning Pigsy has ever taught him about picking a fight with strangers -especially strangers that tried to kill him less than a month ago- and walks right up to the shadow demon, planting a finger into the other’s chest. Surprisingly enough the shorter man allows him, looking far too bemused about his visible anger.

“What are you doing here, Macaque?” MK spits out with all the ire and menace he can muster, hands itching to reach for his staff -he needs to be ready for whatever schemes the shadow weaver is up to!

Yet he doesn't get that sneering grin, nor does the room go abruptly dark. Instead, Macaque gives him a long, flat look -and then, just as MK begins to fidget with uncertainty, the sneaky demon strikes. Faster than the young hero can react, the shadow warrior lifts his left hand up and flicks him right on the forehead hard enough to make his ears ring.

MK yowls.

“Argh!” He hunches over, hissing, trying to stifle more sounds of pain as a few heads turn their way. He peers at the celestial monkey between his hands and glares, aghast at the underhanded move. A punch? He can take it. Another insult towards his mentor? Pass over, he and Mei are making it a game at this point to document what creative insults the shadow demon comes up next with every new encounter? This? This is not it. This was dirty. “What was that for?” MK whines.

“Manners.” The dark monkey sniffs, side eyeing him with amusement before turning to the exhibition.

“That’s not answering the question!”

At his declaration Macaque sighs like he's witnessing something particularly bothersome, adjusting his scarf with a flourish. The only thing he has left to do in MK's opinion is turn his chin up at him to complete the haughty look. “If you must know,” he starts dramatically, and oh MK can feel an evil little monologue coming right up. “-I wanted to take a look at the new Zhou dynasty artifacts.”


MK blinks. “...the ones from the new exhibit?” He hears himself ask with surprising civility.


Silence. MK fidgets, brain misfiring as he attempts to workshop through his next quip.

“ steal them?”

Once more, Macaque looks at him with a flat stare, looking not too off from a middle school teacher disappointed in his answer.

Then before MK can apologize, he reaches up and flicks him on the head again.

By the time an indignant MK recovers from that migraine, the shadow demon is walking away, swaying his tail as he heads deeper into the museum, towards the theater gallery area. MK watches him go with a glare.

He knows he shouldn’t let him go, probably, but he also paid a lot for the entrance fee, and he saw Macaque do the same so he can’t even call him out on that crime. Plus, he’s here to have a fun day with Tang and Mei -the scholar had all but begged them to come, too excited by the new exhibition but also extremely nervous because of the large crowd size. So, MK roped Mei in and they went with the anxious man out of solidarity.

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