Chapter 3 // Silence

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“-and that’s why I came here, with Mac.”

“....I see.”

MK doesn’t think his mentor sees it.

Actually, Monkey King looks like he doesn't want to see it.

Any of it.

Being crammed into his mentor’s bedroom to speedily whisper a quick version of today’s events to Monkey King while Macaque, the same guy who not even a month earlier tried to squish MK into little itty bitty MK-flavored bits against a mountain side, is now small and child-shaped chilling impatiently in the living room…is not how MK saw this day ending. And he’s stuck rolling with it.

That doesn’t mean he doesn’t get to complain about it.

To himself.

Because Monkey King looks like he’s in a whole worse mess than him. MK watches with worried eyes as the Great Sage Equal To Heaven walks back and forth across the room, tail twitchier than Mk’s ever seen it. The monkey’s hands go from death clutching his robes, to running his hair back nervously, to wringing together as the Sage mutters under his breath in languages MK cannot recognize, because MK is an idiot and he should have never even gone to that museum.



“I-I got Tang and Mei to look into the artifact!” He squeaks out, watching as that golden tail twitch and flicks and flings a bag of flavored chips off a counter by accident. Monkey King doesn’t even blink. Now it’s MK’s turn to squirm nervously, so he stammers out;  “Knowing Tang he probably has an excel spreadsheet of stuff on it by the time we’re done with this conversation. He’s really dedicated so you don’t have to worry about-”

Monkey King stops, spins, and pins him in place with a stern look he’s never seen on the god before.

“I want to take a look at that urn, MK.”

Oh. Oh Mk does not like that flat tone at all. He feels reprimanded. Which is bad because MK didn’t even do anything bad.

...okay, maybe he should have caught the urn before it smacked Macaque in the face and go poof.


If anything, Monkey King’s the one in the wrong. Ignoring tiny Macaque like that? MK will never get the mental image of the little monkey about to cry out of his head. He’s certain it’s only because of that event that Macaque is even allowing Monkey King to leave his line of sight. The white monkey looked so small and lost when his older brother set him down on the couch and left him there.

“You will!” He tells Monkey King with a sigh. “I’ll ask Tang to bring it over. Carefully. Until then we just gotta keep Macaque comfortable!” MK tries to sound more uplifting, but Monkey King just wilts.

Monkey King doesn’t say anything in reply to that -instead, the low sigh he lets out makes MK’s shoulders drop. Not for the first time in the past hour, he feels guilty for causing this. If only he’s stopped the demon twins earlier…

“Hey, Monkey King?” MK hesitates to ask. “Are you going to be okay with…this?Him? MK wants to say instead. He refrains -his mentor surely knows what he’s talking about. There’s no need to even say what the six-eared elephant in the room is.

He watches with worry as his mentor stops at the door. There’s a moment where MK believes his teacher won’t answer, but then Monkey King turns around. He’s smiling, but its that tiny, fake grin that MK hates.

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