Chapter 1

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I hear voices.

"When do you think she will wake up? Please nurse. She was my best friend. Please tell me. I need to know." Says a male voice. Who is he talking about? Where am I?

I move slightly and open my eyes. The light is so bright that I cover my eyes and groan. Bothering the boy's and the nurse's heads snap towards me. The boy begins to cry and the nurse looks stunned but calm.

"Ashlyn! Oh my god! I missed you so much. How do you feel?" He says in between sobs. My name must be Ashlyn...

"I'm still a little tired. I just have one question..." He looks at me and nods as if he is giving me permission to ask. "Who are you?"

He tears flow harder than before. I don't know what to do. I just look at his perfect features. His eyes are deep blue with emotion. His wavy, dark, brown hair is ruffled and his cheeks are streaked with tears.

"You-you don't re-remember me?" I shake my head. "Ashlyn... i-i am your best friend! We were inseparable. All of the time we spent t-together is... is just gone."

"If I may interrupt, sir, I think you need to get some rest. You have been staying here in her room for weeks. Honey, you should go get some rest." He nods, the tears still flowing. He exits the room and the nurse looks back at me. "Hey sweetie. Can you remember anything."

"About what?" My voice cracks from my silence.

"Do you know your name?"


"Your full name?"

"Ashlyn... um... no." I start to tear up. "I can't remember my name! Why can't I remember anything! How old am I? Where are my parents? How lon-"

"One question at a time honey. Your 17, your parents went home for the night and will be back soon." I nodded. "I think you have amnesia. You had a pretty bad accident." Accident?! Wtf happened? "Do you remember what happened?" I shook my head. "You were driving home with the boy who was just here... do you remember him?" Again I shook my head. "He is Elijah or as you used to call him, Eli. You guys were best friends. He stayed here every night since you were checked in and got your own room. He is a really good friend. I can tell."

"How long have I been here?"

"Four weeks."


"You got into an accident. You were driving home from one of Elijah's baseball games and a deer came out and you went to swerve around it but a car hit your side of the car. You were unconscious on impact. Elijah called 911 immediately and stayed with you. He got off with a broken rib or two but you had most of the damage. A sprained wrist, almost all of your ribs were shattered and you had a little internal bleeding in your stomach. You should be dead sweetie, your a true fighter." A flash back came...

I was driving and we were singing my favorite song and eating ice cream. We rounded a corner and a deer ran out in front of the car so I swerved. I didn't see the car coming towards me. It hit me dead on. But only on the drivers side of my car. Everything started to fade... and quickly. Then Eli said "Don't worry. Everything's going to be alright." Then everything went black.

"Who was driving?" Please tell me it isn't true.

"Y-you were sweetheart." I didn't hold them back anymore. I cried and cried and cried. The tears flowed for a long time. Soon darkness enveloped me and I was comforted by the familiar feel of sleep once again.

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