Chapter 6

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Picture of Ashlyn

*next phrase written before this chapter* I have a feeling this is going to be a long one.

*next phrase written after this chapter* I was right.

I couldn't tell if the dream had a real flashback or not. I should ask Elijah but I don't know how that would go over. Today is Saturday and we planned on having a redo of our failed attempt at getting my memory back. It just ended up being super awkward. Hopefully not this time...

I drove over to his house and pulled into the driveway. I opened my door and walked nervously up to his door. I knocked and he opened right away.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey. Let's go out back okay?" I nodded and followed him through his house and out the glass sliding doors. He sat down on one of the hammocks in his backyard and I sat on the other.

"So... Have you had any more flashbacks?" The dreaded question... I hesitated for a few seconds before answering.

"No." A straightforward answer that may or may not arouse suspicion. His eyes look over my face. I think he realizes that I'm lying but decides he isn't going to press.
I could kiss him for that. But of course... I'm not.

"Okay then. Let's play a game. It's called remember when. You play by asking if you remember when something happened. If the other person says yes then it's the other person's turn to ask. If they say no then they keep explaining until they say yes. I really hope you remember." The pain from me not remembering is evident in his eye.

"Okay. How about you go first."

"That was my plan." He chuckles.

"Okay." He appears to think about what I might remember.

"Let me start at the beginning." I was kinda confused but went with it anyways. "Remember when we met in kindergarten?" I thought about it for a few minutes. My vision started to fade. A feeling flooded me. It was on I recognized as the one I got before a flashback came. Almost as if I'm falling into a deep sleep. It comforting like a big fuzzy blanket and a warm cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter day.


I walk into the big colorful classroom, filled with kids playing with toys like they have know each other all 5 years of their lives, hand in hand with my mommy. One boy is quietly building a tower with colorful blocks all by himself. I let go of my mom's hand and cautiously walk over to him without saying goodbye to my mommy.

"Hi." I say to the boy. He looks up and smiles.

"Hi! Do you like my tower?"

"It's really pretty."

"When I'm older I will make one just for you."



"Will you live with me too?"


"I'm Eli!"

"I'm Ashlyn but you can call me Ash."

"I like Ashlyn better."



"Yes." He smiled. This is the biggest smile I've seen since my dream...

"Remember when I played softball?" I cautiously asked. Who knew what he thought now.


"Remember when I saw you at the hospital?" This was a memory I didn't want to relive but I nodded. I didn't trust my self to speak. He saw that in my eyes and decided to ask again for my sake.

"Remember when you dated Ryan?"

"Yeah. I had that one flashback. I looked and felt so happy. What happened?"

"He cheated on you." There's the feeling again...


"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" I screamed at Ryan.

"Because I feel nothing with you anymore. You just another Bitch that has been used and dumped by me. Get used to it." With that he walked away.

"RYAN! This conversation is not over!! Get back here right now!" I was sobbing now. He stopped and turned around.

"Or what?" He smirked and kept walking away, to his car, and drove away. I was left in the dust crying.


"You okay?"

"Yeah I just had a flashback on the whole situation." I know. You were out of it, staring into space for a few minutes." I nodded.

"Yeah." I looked at the time. It was already noon. "I'm kinda hungry now." I know it's only noon but it's been a long morning so far.

"We could stop for today if you want." I nodded. "Okay. We can either go out for lunch or stay here."

"Let's stay here. I wanna make some grilled cheese and tomato." He smiled.

"What?" I crunched my eyebrows together.

"That was your favorite. You would get that whenever we would go out to eat." I smiled.

"Oooo and I want it cut into four triangles!" He laughed. Let me tell you... His laugh could cause world peace.

"Okay okay... you haven't changed a bit." He smiled and got up from the hammock. He grabbed my hand and helped me up too. We walked into his kitchen hand in hand. I tried to ignore the tiny sparks that constantly traveled through my body. Our bodies bumped together as we tried walking through the doorway together. It felt like I had stuck a key into an electrical socket. The only problem: I liked how it made me feel.

He let go of my hand to grab a pan while I grabbed the ingredients for the grilled cheese. As I looked for a tomato I found chocolate cupcakes. I smiled evily as I created a devious plan in my head. I grabbed on and went over to Elijah. I started to seduce him by kissing his neck and nipping at his earlobe. It was working. He turned around to kiss me and ended up getting a face full of cupcake instead.

"You little..." he said has I laughed so hard I almost doubled over. I ran away and hid in his shower and sat in the tub. I hear him scream. "You're going to be in so much trouble when I find you!" I quietly laugh to myself. I hear the door open and I cover my mouth.

He opens the curtain to grab me but I already fled out the other side and ran out the door, laughing as I went. I hid in a closet and heard his foot steps run past. I slowly crept out and toward the kitchen again. As I rounded the corner into the living room, I felt hands grab my waist and drag me to the couch. I am thrown into the blue cushions and I feel his fingers dig into all of my ticklish places.

My stomach aches from laughing so hard. I am gasping for air. My limbs are flailing around. I'm begging for mercy. He finally stops and I'm breathing heavily like I can't find enough air to fill my lungs. After my breathing returns to normal, our eyes connect. I'm lost in a hazel sea, searching for something... anything. I see love.

Our heads are drawn together. He brushes his lips against mine. I smile and then shimmy out from under him and run to the kitchen. I hear him groan. I am yet again thrown into a fit of giggles.

"Let's finish the grilled cheese Eli." Yes, I called him by his old nickname.

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