Chapter 2

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"Ashlyn... Ashlyn wake up...Honey come on." My mom pokes and prods at me to try to get me up. "Sweetie its time for school. Your going yo be late."

"Ugh fine mom. Just give me little bit!" I yell back. She finally leaves me alone. I get dressed in a pair of Nike shorts and an old softball t-shirt. I throw my curly hair into a messy fishtail. I know I must seem a little jock-ish but I'm really not. I'm just not a girly. I don't enjoy dressing up just so others will accept me. People should accept me even though I prefer sweatshirts over sweaters and slides and tennis shoes over heels or stylish sandals.

I finally brush my teeth and eat then hop into my mom's car and go to school. School had started about a month or two ago but today is my first day. The doctors kept me for a month after I woke up to keep an eye on my recovery. Eli hasn't come to see me. I'm still not 100% on who he is but I felt empty and bored without him at the hospital. I also don't remember anything. Nothing from before.

I arrive at school and hop out of the car. I cautiously make my way towards the doors. Everyone sports a concerned and sympathetic face. I keep my head down and watch my feet.


"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." I say from my spot on the ground. "I should have been watching where I was going." I look up. There is a hand right in my face.

"Dont worry about it. I'm sorry. I should have been watching too." I look a little higher and see a gorgeous face. I take his hand and am pulled to my feet. His muscles ripple as he pulls me. His grey eyes are full of mystery and surprise. His hair is brown, shorter on the sides and longer on the top. Boy... he is fucking sexy.

"Ashlyn, right?" He asks. I nod. He knows my name!!! "I don't know if you remember me or anything but I'm Ryan." I smile, just proving that I'm clueless. "I can show you to your first class if you want." He looks away with a red tint in his cheeks. Who does this kid think he is?!

"As much as I would love that, I can't today. I'm sorry." I say, looking down and quickly walking away. I look back at him. He is still standing there, stunned because I rejected him. I quickly enter the school and stop in my tracks. I have no idea where I'm going... Kids swarm the hallways, talking with their friends. A girl stops in front of me and smiles.

"Hi! I'm Kelly! Do you need some help?" I just look at her for a moment. She is wearing a black and white polka dotted dress with cute grey heeled boots. Her blonde hair is in a messy bun with a few pieces of hair framing her face. A big red bow is clipped right next to her bow. Her lips are a pretty pink and her eyelashes are long and black with mascara. Her eyes are a pretty hazel. Just as I finish giving her the once-over, I sense someone next to me. I quickly look over and see Elijah.

"Leave her alone Kelly. I can take it from here." He says. She looks at him with defeat then walks away. Elijah turns to me.

"Thanks." I look down.

"Your welcome. Trust me, you don't want to get caught up in her circle. She is nothing but trouble. She has 99% of the school running in fear because they have all been touched by her wrath in one way or another. Even the guys."

"Oh. Thanks."

"No problem. So what's your first class?"

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