first day of a new school 😬

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y/m/n-(your mom name )y/n wake up it's ur first day at buford come on ur gonna be late
y/n- nooooo i don't wanna go ughhh
willow-(your cousin name ) come in y/n u will love it i will be with u all day i will show u around come onnn
y/n -fine let me get ready
i stumbled out of bed walking to the bathroom i wash my face with the ice cold water to wake me up i put on lipgloss and mascara and brush my teeth i walk to my wardrobe to pick out a outfit
y/n - this will do

your outfit ^i walk downstairs and see willow sitting at the island i sit beside her y/n-morningggg auntie y/a/n-morning y/n u excited for todayy/n -i mean it's just school what's so exciting i say getting a bottle of water out of the fridge and p...

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your outfit ^
i walk downstairs and see willow sitting at the island i sit beside her
y/n-morningggg auntie
y/a/n-morning y/n u excited for today
y/n -i mean it's just school what's so exciting
i say getting a bottle of water out of the fridge and putting in my school bag
y/a/n - it will be exciting they have a equestrian team they are really good
i whip my head around looking at her
y/n- really
y/a/n - yes
y/n- today might not be so bad
willow comes downstairs after getting her bag
willow -y/n u ready
y/n- yup let's go
i walk to school with willow talking about how u might get lost
willow -y/n u won't get lost i promise
y/n -okay whatever u say
u enter school and willow runs to her friend i follow her
they hug and i am standing behind willow
jayla - omg u must be y/n i have such good things about you
y/n - hii thank you
i looked to willow with a u talking about me look
they girls start walking off and i follow we go to maths first i sit beside willow and jayla is on the other side of her
teacher - so class let's get started
she noticed you
teacher -oh i am so sorry i must be new what's ur name
y/n - y/n
teacher - hi y/n right class take down these equations
i write them all down and the bell rang
i sigh and pack my things and walk out and wait for willow and jayla we got to our next class it was history it was the same write down notes after that it was lunch i got to my locker and get my books i go to the canteen ( that's what i call it where i am from ) i grabbed a apple out of my bag that i packed and sat down at a table by my self reading a boy came over and sat in-front of me i didn't realise since i had my AirPods in and wasn't paying any attention he tapped me on the shoulder i look up and see this dark hair brown eye boy looking at me w a smile i take out my airpods
y/n-can i help you ?
boy -no but are u new ?
boy-oh what's ur name?
y/n - y/n y/l/n whats urs ?
boy- Jaden Walton
y/n- nice to meet u jaden but i gtg find my class since i don't know and my cousin ditched me
jaden -i can show u
y/n- really
jaden- ye sure what room is it
y/n-room b2
jaden - oh i am going there now it's science
y/n -oh yay my favourite
jaden-it's a really fun class the teacher doesn't care what u do
y/n -wait really
jaden - ye cmon let's go
i get my bag and walk with jaden he tell me more about him and his family i tell him about me too
jaden-come sit beside me i am at the back
i walk to the back and sit beside jaden i take out my copy the teacher walks in and sits down
teacher - you know i won't do anything just if a teacher walks in just make it look like ur doing something
jaden whispers -see i told you
y/n- at my old school no teacher was ever like this
me and jaden talk more about ourselves and we even gave each-other our snapchat

school was over and i was walking home willow came running up to me and scared me
willow -oops sorry hun
y/n -it's okay dw
willow -how was ur first day huh
y/n -good i made a friend
willow -who ?
y/n- jaden Walton
willow -omg all the girls like him but he is super nice
y/n -yess he is
i got a notification

𝐣𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚 𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐩
i opened the snap

𝐣𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚 𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐩 i opened the snap

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i replied

(pretend it's you it's she so pretty but u are too xx)i got home and finished my homework and i was really tried so i got a snack and went to get ready for bed took off my makeup brushed my teeth and hair i got into my pjs

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(pretend it's you it's she so pretty but u are too xx)
i got home and finished my homework and i was really tried so i got a snack and went to get ready for bed took off my makeup brushed my teeth and hair i got into my pjs

(pretend it's you it's she so pretty but u are too xx)i got home and finished my homework and i was really tried so i got a snack and went to get ready for bed took off my makeup brushed my teeth and hair i got into my pjs

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i put my phone on charge and hoped into bed and fell straight alseep

903 words 💗

jaden walton x y/n 🫶Where stories live. Discover now