Hawaii Day 2 🪻

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jadens pov
i woke excited to go to Hawaii and surprise yn i got up and got ready and got breakfast i went back up to my room and got my suitcase and walked down stairs and put it in the car and sat in and put on my headphones.

Everyone was in and we finally went to the airport (just gonna skip all this airport stuff)
we finally hoped on the plane  and i put my headphones back in and fell asleep

yn pov
i woke up and got ready my mom and dad said we are going somewhere but they wouldn't tell me so i just put on a long green skirt and a black crop top

yn povi woke up and got ready my mom and dad said we are going somewhere but they wouldn't tell me so i just put on a long green skirt and a black crop top

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i brushed my hair and put it in a slick back ponytail and brushed my teeth i put on some mascara and lip balm

i got down from breakfast and got some pancakes and watermelon (or whatever u want ) after we finished we go into a taxi(cab) i didn't hear where we were going so i just fell asleep my mom woke me up i looked out the window and seen we were at the airport "why are we here"i said confusinglly at mom she didn't answer we walked in to arrivals "mom why are we here" "just wait"
as i looking at the doorway i seen a familiar face walk through it was JADEN OMG WHAT IS JADEN DOING HERE
i ran towards him and jumped into his arms
"omg jaden was are you doing here"
"iam here for you "
he kissed me and i kissed him back
"i am so happy u are we are gonna have so much fun"
"ik i missed you so much i had to come see my beautiful girl"
i pulled away from him and took his hand and walked out to the taxi(cab) he came with me
we talked abt how much fun we are gonna have

we go to the hotel and he went to his room and unpacked i went to my room and got ready for dinner

i went over to jadens room he answered the door "omg yn u look so pretty ""thank you handsome ""come in""thank you"i walked in "hey javon""heyy yn""how are u ""good u""great"we heard a knock at the door jaden went to go open it "hey mom hey ym ""h...

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i went over to jadens room
he answered the door
"omg yn u look so pretty "
"thank you handsome "
"come in"
"thank you"
i walked in
"hey javon"
"heyy yn"
"how are u "
"good u"
we heard a knock at the door jaden went to go open it
"hey mom hey ym "
"hey sweetie it's time for dinner "
"okay guys it's dinner"
"oh coming i am starving"
"meee tooo " i said walking behind javon we were walking down the stairs wondering what were gonna have for dinner
we went in and got seated down
"here is some menus i will be back to take ur orders"
"thank you "my mom said smiling at the waitress
"i might go for some pasta "
"me too " jaden said smiling at me
the waitress came back and took our orders
"so un how is horse riding going "dj asked me
"good i haven't been riding in a while but i will probably get back i to it when i get back home "
"good to hear i have seen videos of you .you are amazing "
"oh thank you "
we all talked and out food came we talked more and got deserts and talked i was really tried and layed my head on jadens shoulder
"u tried ma"
"just a little bit"
"you wanna go back up to the room"
"yes please"
"i am gonna take yn up to her bed she is really tried"
"ok goodnight sweetie"jess said to me
"goodnight love"my mom said to me hugging me
"night everyone"
"night yn and jaden"
jaden and i walked out of the restaurant and into the elevator
"was the dinner nice"
"okay u really are tried"
we go to our floor and i was stumbling
"okay ms wobbly "
he picked me up bridle style and brought me to my room he layed me in bed and kissed me goodnight
"goodnight gorgeous "
"goodnight handsome"
he was walking away i didn't want him to leave i grabbed his arm
"please stay five minutes"
"uh u know i can't say no to you"
he hoped in beside me and cuddle me u til we both fell asleep

A/N~ik it wasn't two chapters today i have been really tried but hopefully tomorrow chapter will be longer

735 words 🪻

jaden walton x y/n 🫶Where stories live. Discover now