"you and me always"

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i woke up in jayla bed
"morning yn"she said to me smiling
"morning"i say sitting up
"you fell asleep here last night on jadens shoulder and we said we would let you sleep"
"oh okay thanks "
"no problem "
"i better get home i will see you tonight"
"okay see you tonight"
"bye yn"
i walk out the door and see jaden walking out his door there rooms where right across from each other "morning sleepyhead"
"morning" i said with a smile on my face i missed him i was happy we we're seeing each other a lot lately "u staying for breakfast" "no i better get home i will see you tonight tho"
"oh ye see you tonight"
"also thanks for your shoulder"
"no problem goodbye yn"
"bye jaden"
i walk out the door and home
"mom dad i am home"
"omg yn where we're you"my mom said running up to me "i was just at jadens i was hanging out with jayla and fell asleep i am fine"
"ah thank god"
"okay mom i am going to go get ready i have a party tonight in jaylas"
"kk sweetie are you hungry"
"nope i am fine thanks mom"
i walk upstairs and get into the shower i done my hair care and go out i dried my hair and brushed my teeth and done skin care i put on some comfy clothes

YN POVi woke up in jayla bed "morning yn"she said to me smiling"morning"i say sitting up"you fell asleep here last night on jadens shoulder and we said we would let you sleep""oh okay thanks ""no problem ""i better get home i will see you tonight"...

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i layed  in bed and watched TikTok and a movie i soon fell asleep

*4 hours later *

i woke up from my nap and went to the bathroom
i straighten my hair and done my make up
i went to put on my dress

i went downstairs "mom do we have any snacks"i said from the kitchen"i think-omg yn u look so pretty "she said walking around the corner and coming towards me with a  smile on her face"thank you mom but do we ""i think so did you try bottom drawn"...

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i went downstairs
"mom do we have any snacks"i said from the kitchen
"i think-omg yn u look so pretty "she said walking around the corner and coming towards me with a  smile on her face
"thank you mom but do we "
"i think so did you try bottom drawn"
"nope "i opened the bottom drawer
"YES"i took out my favourite snack
"okay mom i am going soon i just want to eat this then i will be gone"
"okay sweetie have fun if anything happens let us know"
"i will don't worry "
i sat down at the island and ate my snack while scrolling on insta

i finished my snack "bye mom i am going"
i shouted from the kitchen "bye sweetie have fun" i walked out the door and went over to the Walton's i was excited to see them especially jaden i was happy we talked i knew a few people coming to this party i finally got to the walton's door and jaden opened it "hi-omg yn u look wow i have no words" he said pointing the door and taking my hands "hey thank you look handsome urself" i took his hand and he walked us inside there was a lot of people "want a drink" he asked me turing his head around for a second "uh just water" i say looking at him "here" he gave me the red plastic cup i took a sip out of it "uh where is jayla" "idk u wanna leave me" "no i was just wondering "
"mm okay" "i am gonna go sit down "
"kk" i went to the living room and sat down on the couch i was just on my phone when a familiar face sat down beside me i turned my head to look at home to try figure out who it was when it's was LUKE "omg look what are you doing here" "ah me and jaden are friends and what are you doing here" "oh we are neighbours and jaden is my ex "
"oh wow i didn't know sorry" "it's okay we are friends " "ahh good wanna dance" "yessss" we got up and went to the middle of the room we were dancing u til i felt hands on my waist i knew it was i just brushed it off  i could feel someones breathe on my neck "wanna go somewhere private"Luke whispered into my ear "let's just stay here for a bit longer" "no"
"what" i say turning my head around to look at him "we are going now" "just in a bit like please i wanna keep dancing" "no you do what i say" he took my arm and started pulling me towards the bathroom i was trying to find someone i seen jaden and mouth whisper "help me" jaden realised and came to me "yn come here i wanna show you something" "nah man she is with me" "nooo it will be a quick minute i swear"
"No jaden she is coming with me " i looked at jaden and seen he was mad "NO LET GO IF HER " they were starting to create a scene i just stood there in the middle of them  "NO SHE IS COMING WITH ME LAST TIME I CHECKED YOU CHEATED ON HER" i could see jaden was really mad jaden took my hand out of Luke's "get out of my house" "not without yn" "no ur leaving now get out" "what if i don't" jaden looked at me i didn't know what was going on i looked around then next minute i see jaden boxing Luke i go in between them "JADEN NO STOP" i step in between them and look up at jaden "please jaden" he looked down at me jaden turned his head around "javon get him out" i took jadens hand and let him to the bathroom i sat up on the counter "what was that for " i say putting some water on a face cloth to wipe the blood off his face "it was for you" i stopped and looked at him "yn i have missed you so much i can't even tell you i blocked ava and haven't texted her ever since i miss you so much yn " i looked into jadens eyes and see tears forming "awhhh jaden i missed you too " tears started forming in my eyes " yn will you be my girlfriend again" "yesss" "you and me always".

an-this is the end of the story took me long enough to write this chapter and story hope you liked it and hope you like my other books ❤️

pages in this book    237

words in this chapter  1071❤️


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