Blonde hair boy ❕

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yns pov
i woke i couldn't move i remember every detail from yesterday every detail i didn't want to remember i never want to experience yesterday every again i checked my phone and seen it was 10:30 my flight home was at 1pm i got up brushed my teeth and hair and got changed

i started packing everything the hotel room was exactly how i got it my mom came in and helped me "you feeling okay yn"she asked me "yea i had fun i just need to be home""okay u have everything ""yup ""okay i am going to see if dad is ready""kk"i ...

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i started packing everything the hotel room was exactly how i got it my mom came in and helped me
"you feeling okay yn"she asked me
"yea i had fun i just need to be home"
"okay u have everything "
"yup "
"okay i am going to see if dad is ready"
i was flying with my dad since my parents wouldn't let me fly home alone and dad has work to do i went over to my parents room
"you guys ready?"
"ye let's go"my dad said grabbing his suitcase
"bye mom bye jade" i said hugging them
"bye sweetie we will see you soon"
"bye bye"
dad and i where walking down to the lobby i bumped into someone "sorry"
"it's okay"i lifted my head up to see a tall blonde hair boy with blue eyes "sorry again"
"ur fine dw "he said smiling "umh i better be going"i said getting my suitcase "bye"
what in the world happened but he was so pretty NO yn u just broke up with jaden

we got to reception while my dad was checking out my room i heard a voice i looked up from my phone "sorry can i please have ur snap?" the blonde boy said looking into my eyes "ye sure it's Yn.Yln "
"thank you yn" "no problem....."
"no problem luke"
"hey yn u ready to go "
"yup bye luke"
"bye yn"
we walked out to the taxi and drove off to the airport i couldn't wait to get home and stay in my pjs all day and cry and let it all out we got to the airport got our bags and went through security and whatever

*on the plane*
i was listening to music when a really sad song came on

i had tears rolling down my face i just put my hood up and layed my head against the window i eventually fell asleep

*back home*

it's been a while since i got back home i was sitting in the living room watching a movie in my pjs while my dad was in his office my phone buzzed

Luke added you *
oh i added him back

luke 🫥
luke-added me back quickly
yn-what i was on my phone when u added me
luke-ahahah wyd
yn-watching a movie while eating too much ice cream
luke-maybe should stop eating the ice cream
yn-but it's so niceee
luke-ikk why u eating it there has to be son reason
yn-boy problems that's all
luke-wanna talk abt it
yn-my ex boyfriends ex girlfriend was texting him and i seen the messages and i got upset and mad and broke up with him
luke-oh wow is that why u we're leaving today
luke-what does ur ex look like
yn-*pic of jaden*
luke-ok thanks
luke-i wanna see who he is
yn-okay whatever i am going to bed night
luke-night yn

i went upstairs and brushed my teeth and hair i got into bed and scrolled on tiktok for a while u til jayla texted me

jayla 😘
jayla-hey yn i only found out now you okay
yn-ye thank jayla
jayla-anytime night night
yn-night jayla 😘

i put my phone down and fell asleep

616 words ❕

jaden walton x y/n 🫶Where stories live. Discover now